The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series consists of country-based reviews that provide a detailed description of a health system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development in a specific country.
This manual guides trained health care providers through the LEEP procedure to remove precancerous cervical lesions that cannot be treated with cryotherapy in order to prevent cervical cancer. The Standard Operating Procedures describe the equipment, step-by-step procedure, safeguards in practice, a...nd infection prevention guidelines surrounding LEEP and recommended follow-up schedules and procedures. LEEP can be performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. The procedure can be both diagnostic and therapeutic, and replaces traditional follow-up evaluations and treatments such as cold knife conization and hysterectomy
Europe PMC Funders Group
Author Manuscript
Arch Dis Child. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 November 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Arch Dis Child. 2013 May ; 98(5): 323–327. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-302079.
Chronic Non Communicable Diseases. Case Management Desk Guide
HIV & AIDS Treatment in Practice No. 198
PLoS Pathogens | 1
February 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e100246
A feasibility study in five African sites