Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : District of East Barito
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of Central Kalimantan
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : District of Majene
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : District of Mamasa
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of Southeast Sulawesi
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of West Kalimantan
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of West Sulawesi
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of East Nusa Tenggara
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of North Maluku
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of East Kalimantan
Profile of health crisis response in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia : Province of Bengkulu
Second Generation, WHO Country Cooperation Strategy, 2010–2015, Namibia
Web page access : 28.04.2017
Guidance for the prevention of volcanic ash rain: before, during and after the ash rain
The unmet need for palliative care in Cox’s Bazar
During the reporting period no significant rainfall was recorded in Cox’s Bazar: this past week brought 29 mm of rain in comparison to 115.25 mm for the previous week. As expected, far fewer weather hazard incidents were recorded in the Rohingya camps: 69 individuals (16 HH) were affected by lands...lide and wind-storm incidents, versus 660 individuals (155 HH) affected the previous week by fire, flood, water-logging, landslide and wind-storm incidents. Taking advantage of the dry weather, relocation of families at high risk of landslide and flood continues; during the last two weeks a total of 963 individuals (236 HH) were relocated to Camp 4 Extension and Camp 20 Extension. Dry weather also allowed for increased risk mitigation activities.
Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2015 (ENCOVI)
The disaster and Red Cross Red Crescent response to date
9 March 2019: Tropical Cyclone Idai forms over Northern Mozambique Channel. CVM preparedness and early warning actions underway
13 March 2019: IFRC Surge Capacity is deployed to Maputo
14 March 2019: 342,562 Swiss francs allocated from th...e IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to meet the immediate shelter, WASH and health needs of 1,500 households
15 March 2019: Tropical Cyclone Idai makes landfall in Beira,
17 March 2019: IFRC Surge Capacity arrival in Beira with CVM to conduct preliminary assessments.
19 March 2019: IFRC issues an Emergency Appeal for 10 million Swiss francs for 75,000 people for 12 months.