J Mov Disord > Volume 11(2); 2018 > Article
Review Article
J Mov Disord 2018; 11(2): 53-64.
Published online: May 30, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14802/jmd.17028
Am Beispiel des Kontexts der Syrien- und Irakkrise
Das Positionspapier zeigt auf, was gute psychosoziale Arbeit mit Geflüchteten ausmacht und welche Risiken es zu berücksichtigen gilt. Es richtet sich an Akteur*innen aus dem MHPSS-Sektor, die im Kontext der Syrien- und Irakkrisen mit Flüchtlinge...n im Nahen Osten arbeiten sowie an Ministerien und wissenschaftliche Institutionen.
Mohamed et al. BMC Public Health 2018, 18(Suppl 3):1215
The consolidated guidelines are expected to provide the basis and rationale for the development of national guidelines for LTBI management, adapted to the national and local epidemiology of TB, the availability of resources, the health infrastructure and other national and local determinants. The gu...idelines are to be used primarily in national TB and HIV control programmes, or their equivalents in ministries of health, and for other policy-makers working on TB and HIV and infectious diseases. They are also appropriate for officials in other line ministries with work in the areas of health.
The Guidelines for the Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Leprosy provide state-of-the-art knowledge and evidence on leprosy diagnosis, treatment and prevention based on a public health approach in endemic countries. The target audience of this document includes policy-makers in leprosy or infec...tious diseases in the ministries of health (especially but not limited to endemic countries), nongovernmental organizations, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, donors and affected persons
Ambulatory care and infectiousness in tuberculosis (Russian Version)
Одна из ключевых целей профилактики и лечения туберкулеза (ТБ) - сделать их более ориентированными на людей, что означает даль...нейшее расширение и совершенствование моделей амбулаторного лечения в странах Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии. Эта записка предназначена для того, чтобы напомнить заинтересованным сторонам доказательства, свидетельствующие о том, что амбулаторная помощь возможна и безопасна
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases and their risk factors are an increasing public health and development challenge in Turkey. This report provides evidence through three analyses that NCDs reduce economic output, and di...scusses potential options in response, outlining details of their relative returns on investment. An economic burden analysis shows that economic losses from NCDs are equivalent to 3.6% of gross domestic product. An intervention costing analysis provides an estimate of the funding required to implement a set of policy interventions for prevention and clinical interventions. A cost–benefit analysis compares these implementation costs with the estimated health gains and identifies which policy packages would give the greatest returns on investment.
This report on progress achieved in the WHO European Region and Member States in implementing the European food and nutrition action plan 2015–2020 presents selected epidemiological data on the nutritional status of populations throughout the Region and on implementation of policies recommended in... regional and global frameworks to promote healthy nutrition and prevent obesity. The data contained in the report are derived from the responses of Member States to the WHO Global nutrition policy review questionnaire.
16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence campaign ended on 10 December. A series of events organized by UNHCR and other agencies operating in the Rohingya response increased attention on issues in particular affecting women and girls: The Refugee Relief an...d Repatriation Commisisoner and camp authorities strongly collaborated with the agencies to
demonstate Bangladesh’s commitment to ending gender-based violence for refugees
CONCLUSIONS: The roles performed by CHWs are broad, varied and essential for diabetes and hypertension management. However, basic knowledge about diabetes and hypertension remains poor while training is unstandardised and haphazard. These need to be improved if community-based NCD management is to b...e successful. The potential of peer education as a complementary mechanism to formal training needs as well as support and supervision in the workplace requires further assessment
Despite the human and economic impact of viral epidemics, the world is not well enough prepared for the next emerging viral outbreak. Global trends indicate that new microbial threats will continue to emerge at an accelerating rate, driven by our growing population, expanded travel and trade network...s, and human encroachment into wildlife habitat.
The effect of music intervention on mild and moderate Intellectually
disabled children was studied in non-randomized pre-test post-test control
group design at an Indian state (Jammu) J&K
Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
Концептуальный проект модели для стран Восточной Европы и Центрально...й Азии, первое издание
UNAIDS 2017 / Reference
Generating evidence for policy and action on HIV and social protection