Information for policy-makers and planners on conducting deworming as part of an integrated
school health program
Cette formation a pour but de renforcer les capacités des acteurs communautaires sur la surveillance intégrée des maladies a potentiel épidémique.
Il s'avère nécessaire de former de manière adéquate les acteur communautaires et de mettre en place un système performant de surveillance int...égrée des maladies aux niveau communautaires soutenu par une communication appropriée avec les population aussi bien au milieu urbain que rural.
A series of information sheets to help empower communities and strengthen health systems
This series of information sheets introduces health literacy, its
relevance to public policy, and the ways it can be used to inform
the promotion of good health, the prevention and management
of communicab...le and noncommunicable diseases, and the
reduction of health inequities. It provides information and links
to further resources to assist organizations and governments
to incorporate health literacy responses into practice, service
delivery systems, and policy.
Retention of knowledge and application within the community one year later
Facilitator's Guide. This guide is designed to assist facilitators in training community health workers (CHWs) and community volunteers (CVs) in integrating community-based TB services into their work. The training will help community workers who already provide numerous services to understand TB an...d contribute to prevention, care and support services in their communities
Le Burkina Faso est un pays sahélien sans littoral d’une superficie de 274 000 km2 et une
population estimée à 17,4 millions d’habitants en 2013 avec une croissance démographique de
3,1%. C’est l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde avec un Produit intérieur brut par tête de
684 US...$ (Banque Mondiale, 2013), un indice de développement humain (IDH) de 0,388 et une
incidence de la pauvreté de 46,7% (INSD, 2009). Environ 80% de la population vit directement
ou indirectement de l’agriculture de subsistance au gré des aléas climatiques.
This guideline provides health policy-makers and decision-makers in health professional training institutions with advice on the rationale for health-care providers’ use of counselling skills to address sexual health concerns in a primary health care setting
This is a book about community-based research in the service of improving the sustainability and equity of safe water production, consumption, and management at community level in rural Uganda. It provides an account of the findings of a five-year combined social science, natural science, and engine...ering research work programme (2009–14) which took place within and with the community, in the sense that the community identified their water needs and related their everyday struggles with water resourcing to the research team, and they contributed to the outcomes.
Free download of the ebook available
The Look Back Study (LBS) focuses on the water and sanitation and hygiene (WASH) component of the project but some additional information was collected along side the WASH data. This data has been compared to the baseline survey data that was reported at start of the project (see tables in annex D t...o this report).