The State of the World’s Children 2013: Children with Disabilities examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and keep them from partic...ipating fully in society. The report also lays out some of the key elements of inclusive societies that respect and protect the rights of all children, regardless of disability, and progress in helping all children to flourish and make their contribution to the world.
The Child and the liberation from the shadow of the terrible big fear
Дитина і звільнення від тіні її надзвичайно великого страху
Trauma Bilderbuch
Ілюстрована книга
El pediatra es el médico de cabecera de los niños pequeños y es el primero en ser consultado por las familias. Los padres esperan que el pediatra no solo sea un experto en atender al niño durante una enfermedad, sino que también lo sea en temas
vinculados al desarrollo. Las alteraciones del d...esarrollo son motivo frecuente de consulta en el ámbito pediátrico. La identificación temprana, el diagnóstico y el seguimiento de estos pacientes constituyen un verdadero desafío para los
médicos pediatras.Esta guía ofrece recomendaciones para la vigilancia del desarrollo, la pesquisa, la evaluación y el seguimiento de pacientes con
retrasos y discapacidades del desarrollo.
The present booklet is about gender-responsive substance abuse treatment services for women. It is part of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) project to develop tools to support the development and improvement of substance abuse treatment services, based on evidence from the litera...ture and case studies that illustrate practical experiences and lessons learned in providing substance abuse treatment services in various regions of the world.
Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are a significant burden globally, with millions of patients affected each year. These infections affect both high- and limited-resource healthcare settings, but in limited-resource settings, rates are approximately twice as high as high-resource settings (15 o...ut of every 100 patients versus 7 out of every 100 patients). Furthermore, rates of infections within certain patient populations are significantly higher in limited-resource settings, including surgical patients, patients in intensive-care units (ICU) and neonatal units. It is well documented that environmental contamination plays a role in the transmission of HAIs in healthcare settings. Therefore, environmental cleaning is a fundamental intervention for infection prevention and control (IPC).It is a multifaceted intervention that involves cleaning and disinfection (when indicated) of the environment alongside other key program elements to support successful implementation (e.g., leadership support, training, monitoring, and feedback mechanisms). To be effective, environmental cleaning activities must be implemented within the framework of the facility IPC program, and not as a standalone intervention. It is also essential that IPC programs advocate for and work with facility administration and government officials to budget, operate and maintain adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure to ensure that environmental cleaning can be performed according to best practices.
Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine hat die größte Fluchtbewegung in Europa
seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs ausgelöst. Seit Kriegsbeginn sind mehr als eine Million
Menschen aus der Ukraine nach Deutschland geflohen.
Erste repräsentative Erkenntnisse über deren Lebenssituation und Zu...kunftspläne er-
möglicht die Studie „Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine in Deutschland (IAB-BiB/FReDA-
BAMF-SOEP-Befragung)“, eine gemeinsame Studie des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und
Berufsforschung (IAB), des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB), des For-
schungszentrums des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF-FZ) und des
Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
(DIW Berlin) . Es wurden für diese Studie 11.225 geflüchtete Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer
in der Zeit zwischen August und Oktober 2022 befragt.
This new guidance aims to support programme implementers, coordinators and others in humanitarian settings in their actions to counter suicide and self-harm in humanitarian contexts and to save lives.
As climate impacts intensify across the globe, nations must dramatically increase funding and implementation of actions designed to help vulnerable nations and communities adapt to the climate storm
This drill package is part of a broader COVID-19 simulation exercise package, including vaccine tabletop exercises(TTX). For exercises to be most effective, it is recommended they should be part of a comprehensive programme made up of progressively complex exercises, each exercise ... building on the previous one until they are as close to reality as possible
Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese
Operation update 01/04/2022
A full-scale military attack (invasion) of Ukraine was started by Russia in the night of February 23/24, 2022. Cities, towns and other targets in all regions of Ukraine have been shelled or attacked with rockets, and columns of military vehicles have been invaded the country from three directions (n...orth, east and south). Fighting continues across all regions with Russian forces capturing cities along the south coast but facing tougher resistance in the northern parts of the country. Residential areas in cities such as Kharkiv, Kyiv and Mykolaiv have been shelled and destroyed, with many lives have been lost. Ongoing negotiations between the governments of Ukraine and Russia have yielded no results in bringing a ceasefire or end to the conflict.
Climate change triggers mounting food insecurity, poverty and displacement in Africa
24 May 2021; Guidance for vaccinators on how to store, prepare, draw up and administer COVID-19 vaccines Updated May 2021 · Western Cape Edition
Practical Approach to Care Kit: Vaccine
Eine Studie des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung e. V. (DIW Berlin) kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Geflüchtete in der Corona-Pandemie stark psychisch belastet sind und sich sehr einsam fühlen. Als Ursachen hierfür werden unter anderem fehlende soziale Teilhabe aufgrund von Sprachbarriere...n, fehlende Erwerbstätigkeit und geringe Haushaltseinkommen genannt.
The new Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026, End Inequalities, End AIDS, is a bold approach that uses an inequalities lens to close the gaps preventing progress to end AIDS