The Impact of the Zika Outbreak on Women and Girls in Northeastern Brazil
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasing worldwide public health problem with
important implications for the European Union (EU). When antibiotics become
ineffective, bacterial infections lead to increased morbidity, use of healthcare,
mortality and cost. Globally, estimates suggest that ...AMR leads to 700 000 deaths
per annum. For the EU, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
(ECDC) has estimated that AMR currently causes 25 000 deaths annually and losses of
at least EUR 1.5 billion per annum in extra healthcare costs and productivity.
Maternal and Neonatal health update: by the Nepal government, Health and population ministry, Health protection unit, Family health department, created in 2010 (English) 2067 (Nepali). Compiled together by: UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA, NHSSP, Nepal medical college hospital and other government health departm...ents.
This is a training directory and reference guideline, very useful for physicians, students and for training purposes of medical staff. Majority of the content is for medical personnel. It gives detailed descriptions regarding procedures and how to perform them, and also regarding the statistics in Nepal, prevalence rates, morbidity and mortality rates.
1) Nepal health status
2) Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH)
3) Partograph
4) Hypertension during pregnancy
5) Status of Neonatal Health
6) Neonatal Resuscitation
Operational Guidelines for Programme Managers & Service Providers
Working with parent groups – a training resource for facilitators, parents, caregivers, and persons with cerebral palsy.
TThis manual aims to increase knowledge and skills in caring for a child with cerebral palsy. Research highlighted the significant needs of the caregivers, and how they can gai...n a huge amount of support from meeting with each other in an understanding environment.
It promotes a participatory learning approach with an emphasis on working with groups and the empowerment of parents and caregivers.
Download the manual and teaching materials for free, in English, French, Arabic or Spanish. A Chichewa (Malawi) version is also ready for sharing and the manual is being translated in a variety of other languages through the online community Working in the Community with Children with Cerebral Palsy