Education material for teachers of midwifery
Midwifery education modules - second edition
Guide; revised 15 June 2010
WHO practical guidelines. 2nd edition
The report reveals weak national mental health services overburdened by the demands placed on them by the Syria crisis. Health facilities which previously provided integrated mental health services in Syria have themselves become casualties of war, with most either destroyed, damaged or not The shortage of trained mental health care providers is viewed as critical, both in Syria and in the neighboring countries where refugees now reside. Strengthening and expanding these services is crucial for Syria’s longer term recovery because the need for treatment will last for years after the war ends.
The document will provide information for Ministries of Health and hospital sentinel sites on why and how to determine the denominator of at-risk children <5 years of age and rate of meningitis hospitalizations for a sentinel hospital site conducting IB-VPD surveillance. Such a methodology is curren...tly unavailable and this estimation is critical to enable interpretation of surveillance data, particularly pre- and post- vaccine introduction
Disaster Management Reference Handbook Series Overview.
Floods, storms, and wind account for large proportions of displacement compared to other disasters. Floods are the most frequent type of disaster whereas wind-related disasters constitute the biggest losses in terms of economic damage, displac...ement, and number of affected people. ASEAN has succeeded in developing institutions not only for addressing the threat posed by natural hazards but also for building resilience into communities at risk
Ansaätze zur interkulturellen Öffnung. Die von der Bundesbeauftragten für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration herausgegebene Publikation „Das kultursensible Krankenhaus“ liegt nun in einer vollständig aktualisierten und überarbeiteten Fassung vor und kann kostenfrei heruntergeladen und ...bestellt werden. Die Publikation stellt Konzepte und Praxisbeispiele vor, die dazu beitragen können, den Ar-beitsalltag im Krankenhaus besser auf Patient*innen sowie Beschäftigte mit Einwande-rungsgeschichte einzustellen
Stand 4/2022
Aktualisierung des Abschnitts „Hinweise zur Durchführung von Schutzimpfungen“ inkl. neuem Teil zu „Impfungen zum Schutz der reproduktiven Gesundheit, bei Kinderwunsch und während Schwanger - schaft und Stillzeit“