Las presentes Directrices para el Abordaje del VIH en Contextos de Asistencia Humanitaria tienen el propósito de ayudar a las organizaciones de asistencia humanitaria y VIH a planificar la administración de un conjunto mínimo de servicios de prevención, tratamiento, atención y apoyo para el VIH... a las personas afectadas por crisis humanitarias.
Malawi is a small landlocked country in Sub-Saharan Africa with a population expanding rapidly at 3 percent per year.
With most livelihoods dependent on rainfed agriculture, the population is highly vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters, prolonged dry spells and flash floods.
“All sectors of humanitarian response are critical to providing an adequate and holistic response for children who have survived different types of violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. Following the immediate humanitarian response, all humanitarian sectors have an important contribution to m...ake to the effective rehabilitation and reintegration of child survivors. ‘Mainstreaming’ child protection, or ensuring that child protection considerations inform all aspects of humanitarian action, helps to maximize the child protection impacts of the work that all humanitarians do. ”
How to Use This briefing paper: This briefing paper is a quick reference for Plan International Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) staff on how to engage with other sectors operating in the emergency to ensure that child protection principles and considerations inform all aspects of humanitarian programming in other sectors. While there is child protection mainstreaming guidance for how to work with specific sectors (e.g. WASH, nutrition, distribution) this “All Sectors” briefing note can give CPiE staff the big picture of shared child protection mainstreaming messages that should be conveyed to all sectors. This briefing is aligned with the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and the Sphere Standards, as well as Plan International staff feedback on what actions are the most vital for child protection mainstreaming in other sectors.
Un adecuado crecimiento y desarrollo durante los primeros años de vida no solo sienta las bases para que un individuo sea saludable, sino también para que una sociedad sea más equitativa y próspera
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established its Financial Mechanism to facilitate the provision and transfer of resources from developed to developing countries. The Global Environment Facility became the first operating entity of the Financial Mechanism after the ...Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC, and the GEF Council agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 1996. This agreement placed the GEF under the guidance of the COP, as Article 11 of the Convention states that the Financial Mechanism “shall function under the guidance of and be accountable to the Conference of the Parties, which shall decide on its policies, program priorities and eligibility criteria related to this Convention.”
The yearly COPs have provided an opportunity for Parties to update and renew their guidance to the GEF. To date, there have been 145 UNFCCC COP decisions and 526 paragraphs that offer guidance to the GEF (see Table 1). In addition, the Conferences of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) have issued 40 decisions and 115 paragraphs as guidance to the GEF (see Table 2). Key areas of Convention guidance have included: the GEF’s role as an operating entity of the Financial Mechanism, including the Paris Agreement; the GEF’s institutional and procedural reform; transparency and access to GEF funds; country engagement and empowerment; reporting on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories; support for technology transfer; and ongoing programming in mitigation and adaptation.
Based on an increasing body of evidence pointing at the positive impact that social assistance has had in Malawi, the region and beyond, government is encouraged to continue investing in and supporting the expansion and comprehensiveness of social protection programmes in both rural and urban areas,... ensuring they effectively target and adequately address needs and vulnerabilities across the lifecycle, in line with the Malawi National Social Support Programme (MNSSP II) and Vision 2063. In addition, Government and Development Partners are encouraged to further the integration between social protection, the humanitarian and the disaster risk management sectors in response to shocks and stresses, through the roll out of a fully shock-sensitive social protection system.
The document "Appropriate use and withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)" from the IPCRG provides guidance on when to start, adjust, or discontinue ICS in COPD treatment. It highlights the benefits and risks, emphasizing personalized... treatment based on patient history, exacerbation frequency, and eosinophil count, while detailing how to optimize bronchodilator use to manage symptoms effectively.
Children in every country, every culture and at every social level face various forms of abuse,
neglect, exploitation and violence1. The abuse takes place at home, in school, in institutions,
at work, in the community, in armed conflict and natural disasters. Much violence against
children, such corporal punishment and sexual abuse, remains legal and socially approved
in many countries. Growing up with violence and abuse seriously affects a child’s development,
dignity, and physical and psychological integrity. Save the Children works to prevent
abuse and neglect from happening, ensure the victims of violence are supported and that
justice is ensured.
As the war in Ukraine pushes food, fuel and fertilizer prices toward record levels putting food security in many of the world’s poorest countries at risk, the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) today launched a Crisis Response Initiative to ensure that small-scale farmer...s in high-risk countries can produce food over the next few months to feed their families and communities while reducing the threat to future harvests.
Este documento está organizado en cuatro grandes momentos: en primer lugar, una breve revisión conceptual para abordar lo discursivo y, a continuación, un recorrido histórico por las principales estrategias adoptadas en la deconstrucción del lenguaje hacia formas más igualitarias. En tercer l...ugar, se presentan sugerencias en relación a la puesta en práctica del lenguaje y la comunicación no sexista e inclusiva en nuestras tareas diarias en el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación y organismos descentralizados, y en último lugar, una selección de materiales producidos desde diversos espacios y con distintas miradas para seguir profundizando en estos debates.
Esta guía pretende orientar a equipos quienes deben intervenir frente a situaciones de suicidio, intentos de suicidio y autolesiones o ante signos de alarma. El abordaje que se recomienda es intersectorial e integral y con un enfoque de derechos, el cual implica tener en cuenta procesos históricos..., de filiación intergeneracionales, estructuras productivas, perspectiva de género, aspectos interculturales y migratorios, entre otros factores. Supone un enfoque amplio de la salud en general y del fenómeno de la violencia autoinfligida, en particular. Se acompaña de un flujograma de atencion, orientado a brindar herramientas para trabajar en red la prevencion, atencion, el registro y la posvencion del suicidio en la Provincia del Chaco Argentina.