Information booklet on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Who develops PTSD? What are the symptoms of PTSD? Why do some people develop PTSD and other people do not? How is PTSD Treated? How can I hep a friend or relative who has PTSD? How can I help mysel...f? Where can I go for help? What if I know someone in crisis? Next Steps for PTSD Research.
Buruli ulcer – community information sheet (October 2018)
Offers expanded content on social/emotional aspects of having cancer and how to talk with others including children; Features many direct quotes from patients, caregivers, providers; Specifies that cancer is not contagious; Corrects perception that sin or wrongdoing causes cancer; Gives... detailed information on managing side effects; Provides details on how to make appointments, register for treatment, account for wait times, and register for poverty certificate to cover treatment costs.
Education material for teachers of midwifery
Midwifery education modules - second edition
Swahili version of Prevention and Management of Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage-PPH. Translation and voice over thanks to Alex Mureithi and Zawadi Machibya and their colleagues at the BBC Swahili Service.
PPH, or excessive bleeding after delivery, accounts for a third of all maternal deaths in sub-S...aharan Africa, although it is widely preventable and treatable.
Swahili Version of Administration of parenteral antibiotics.Translation and voice over thanks to Alex Mureithi and Zawadi Machibya and their colleagues at the BBC Swahili Service.
This film shows how to give antibiotics correctly during pregnancy. It explains the “6 rights” of drug administra...tion – the right drug, the right patient, the right dose, the right time, the right route, and the right paperwork.
The film is for use in health worker training
Too few physicians are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to repair genital fistulae and care for patients following surgery. Most procedures are performed in Africa and Asia by local physicians, with technical support from surgeons from developed countries where these fistulae are rarely... seen. It would take many years for all the physicians presently able to treat genital fistulae to operate on all the women who need their expertise today, and the number of women who need their expertise increases daily. Although the need for physicians trained in fistula repair has long been recognised, no standard training manual has existed so far. This manual was designed to help meet this need.
This manual was produced with the collaboration of fistula surgeons, professional organizations and specialist health organisations from all over Africa, Asia, Europe and the USA.
The GFF needs an additional US$2.5 billion from 2021 to 2025 to enable countries to protect health gains and accelerate progress toward the 2030 Goals. Of this amount, the GFF urgently needs to secure new pledges of US$1.2 billion by the end of 2021 to help its current 36 partner countries protect ...and maintain essential health services and implement time-sensitive service delivery and health system improvements to enable a sharp bend of the curve back to a positive trajectory to close the gap to the SDGs.
Curricula and Educational Materials to
Help Young People Achieve Better Sexual
and Reproductive Health
Integrating community engagement and accountability into disaster risk reduction activities of the Maternal, Newborn and Child Healthcare programme in rural Myanmar
Integrated community case management (ICCM) – an approach where community-based health workers are trained to identify, treat and refer children under-five with pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria – is increasingly being used across sub-Saharan Africa to supplement the gaps in basic healthcare prov...ision. ICCM programmes have been endorsed by major international organisations and donors, and many African Ministries of Health as a key strategy for reducing child mortality.
This learning paper describes Malaria Consortium’s approach to and experience of engaging local communities in integrated community case management (ICCM) in Uganda, Zambia and Mozambique.