June 2021. Shock-responsive social protection (SRSP) operates in contexts where rapid on-set disasters mean needs for assistance are acute and urgent. Monitoring and identifying problems in programme design and delivery are therefore critical. However, there is limited existing guidance on how to mo...nitor shockresponsive social protection in these contexts.
This Brief aims to help fill this gap. It does not provide a blueprint for developing monitoring indicators, but it presents a guiding framework with key questions and key issues to consider when monitoring SRSP to understand how the intervention contributes to broader crisis response.
As the Burundi refugee crisis enters its fourth year, some 430,000 Burundian refugees are being hosted across the region by the governments and people of Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda. Although the spectre of mass violence in Burundi has receded, with the politic...al situation still unresolved and the persistence of significant human rights concerns, refugee arrivals are expected to continue in 2018, albeit at lower levels than in previous years.
CARE International’s Personal Safety & Security Handbook has been developed to provide practical personal safety and security advice and guidance to all staff working in CARE offices and field sites throughout the world.
Each section has a detailed list of contents at the beginning and cut-ou...t tabs to allow fast access to topics. Symbols and easy referencing are used throughout the handbook to help you find what you need quickly.
March 2021. “A Decade of Destruction: Attacks on health care in Syria,” highlights with chilling detail how this 10-year war strategy has turned hospitals from safe havens into no-go zones where Syrian civilians now fear for their lives.
The Sphere Project strategy for working with regional partners, country focal points and resource persons.
This paper is Oxfam’s essential guide for WASH staff and partners. It describes the processes and standards that Oxfam WASH programmes should follow if they are to be carried out effectively, consistently and in a way which treats affected communities with respect.
All WASH staff members are expe...cted to understand and follow these Minimum Requirements. However, it is recognised that in acute emergencies it is preferable to start work on the basics immediately, and build up a comprehensive, quality programme in the following days and weeks. There will, therefore, be some programmes in which certain individual requirements are not appropriate or relevant; in such cases staff members responsible should be able to justify why she/he did things differently, or how the minimum requirement was achieved over time.
This manual provides guidance on the design and building of barrier-free emergency shelters that are used by all people within a community following a natural disaster, such as a flood or landslide. It provides information with examples of the essential aspects to consider when designing and buildin...g barrier-free emergency shelters, such as ramps, toilets, cooking areas, waterpumps and shelters. Recommendations are also highlighted to ensure accessible environments for people with specific disabilities
The standard operating procedures (SOP) for referral care cover all the refugee populations living in Lebanon. These SOPs outline the policies and procedures for referral care in Lebanon, including the limits in health assistance that can be provided.
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: Bontang City, Indonesia
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: Regency of Pulang Pisau, Indonesia
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: Regency of East Flores, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Disaster : West Halmahera-District, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response of District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of North Kolaka, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of Lebong, Indonesia
Profile of Health Crisis Response within District with High Risk of Natural Disaster : District of North Halmahera, Indonesia