The goal of the draft global action plan is to ensure, for as long as possible, continuity of successful treatment and prevention of infectious diseases with effective and safe medicines that are quality-assured, used in a responsible way, and accessible to all who need them.
WHO commissioned a survey, carried out in September/October 2015, among some 10 000 members of the public in 12 countries (2 per WHO Region: Barbados, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, the Russian Federation, Serbia, South Africa, Sudan and Viet Nam) on their use of antibiotics, knowl...edge of antibiotics and of antibiotic resistance. While not claiming to be exhaustive, this and other surveys will help WHO and partners to ensure efforts are focused on tackling some of the biggest gaps in understanding and the most prevalent misconceptions
· Relevant interventions
· HIV country profiles
· Adolescents country profiles
Full Length Research Paper
Received 23 March, 2015; Accepted 5 August, 2015
Vol.7(9), pp. 204-213, September, 2015 DOI: 10.5897/IJSA2015.0604
Article Number: F0D0DDC54848
ISSN 2006- 988x
STAATSKOERANT, 5 MEI 2015 No. 38763
General Notice
Notice 295 of 2015
Department of basic education
National education policy act, 1996 (Act No 27 of 1996)
Call for written submissions from stakeholder bodies and members of the public on Departmen...t of basic education draft national policy on HIV, STIs and TB
Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases / 2015; 5 (3): 110-113
JMID, doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.02.2015.03.0187
The objectives of the scheme is to promote cleanliness, hygiene and infection control practices in public health care facilities, to incentivize and recognize such public healthcare facilities that show exemplary performance in adhering to standard protocols of cleanliness and infection control, to... inculcate a culture of ongoing assessment and peer review of performance related to hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation, to create and share sustainable practices related to improved cleanliness in public health facilities linked to positive health outcomes.
This study aims to analyze national and international stakeholders and their initiatives in Early Warning Systems in Myanmar, to identify priority gaps that need to be addressed by all stakeholders. It is presented as a first step towards supporting GoUM in information-gathering under the Myanmar Ac...tion Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction (MAPDRR), in particular under Components (2) Risk Assessment, (3) Multi-hazard Early Warning System and (4) Preparedness at all levels, and especially in implementing Sub-Component (3.4) Enhanced Flood Monitoring and Forecasting Capacities at Township Levels.
A cross-sectional descriptive study design covering all states and regions was undertaken to:
1) To assess availability, utilization and supply chain management system for RH commodities at different levels of health facilities,
2) To assess quality of RH services with emphasis on family ...planning in terms of training, supervision, use of guidelines and ICT, and
3) To determine clients’ accessibility to RH services provided at different level of facilities.
The ethical values and behaviors are not only abstract terms, but they are refined and conceptualized byreal-life experiences. The societal context where the actions of humans can be analyzed by ethicaldecision-making is entirely relevant to deliberate on what is the right thing to do and what the m...oralagent should do, since the ethical values and principles response to the actual practices of life and to theneeds of humans in the society. This elaboration takes us to the realm of social ethics.This article reviews the definition and contextual meaning of social ethics at a broader level by givingspecial emphasis to the ethical theories and principles, focusing on the societal and public setting. Ethicswill be deliberated with social and community aspects. Based on the principle of justice and public healthethics, the concept of social ethics has been investigated concisely through the relationship between man,as a moral person, and the society in exemplification of the issues of healthcare ethics. It is argued that thetension between individualism and communitarian needs can be reconciled with the perspective of socialethics by respecting the individual autonomy without disregarding the common good and social justice.By promoting the values of social responsibility, solidarity, and social utility, social ethics has beenproposed as the basis of a rational, moral, egalitarian, pluralistic, democratic society rising on the pillars ofhuman rights and human dignity.
The document at hand presents key findings from a project undertaken globally between July 2014 and May 2015 to assess progress made by UNHCR country and regional operations to effectively protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) asylum-seekers and refugees. Globally, 10...6 offices, or roughly 90% of eligible country and regional operations, participated in the assessment. The key findings are presented along the following axes: legal, cultural and social context; outreach activities; displacement conditions; asylum and durable solutions; training on issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI); operational guidelines and advocacy efforts.