Aid Delivery Methods vol.1
It is our hope and prayer that the guidance and multiple tools provided herein to manage
the entire lifecycle of a food security program are useful to our food security staff, our
local partners, and our fellow international Cooperating Sponsors throughout the world.
Basado en la Metodología POLARIS de Seguimiento Farmacoterapéutico, desarrollado por
Facultad de Química de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
El VIH/sida, desconocido 30 años atrás, se ha constituido en un problema de salud
mundial de una magnitud sin precedentes, considerándose que aproximadamente 25 millones de personas han fallecido en todo el mundo a causa del VIH.
Kiel Policy Brief, Ukraine Special 1, March 2022.Many African countries heavily rely on imports of agricultural commodities and agricultural inputs from Ukraine and Russia, for example wheat, other grains, and fertilizer. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has disrupted global access to grains due to re...duced production, exports, and increased trade costs. This policy brief investigates the possible long-term consequences of the conflict on food security in Africa
Europe and Central Asia Economic Update.
The Russian Federation’s war with Ukraine has triggered a catastrophic humanitarian crisis and threatened the stability of geopolitical relations. Economic output in the Europe and Central Asia region is forecast to contract by more than 4.1% in 2022—the... second major shock and regional recession in two years. Moreover, the war has added to mounting concerns of a sharp global growth slowdown.
The regional Migrant Response Plan (MRP) for the Horn of Africa and Yemen includes urgent life-saving humanitarian and protection interventions to improve safe and dignified access to basic services for migrants and host communities while ensuring medium- to long-term actions aimed at addressing the... drivers of migration.
Alle Geflüchtete haben das Recht auf eine menschenwürdige Unterbringung und Schutz vor Gewalt. Bund und Länder sind dazu verpflichtet, einen angemessenen und wirksamen Schutz sicherzustellen. Für traumatisierte und besonders vulnerable Geflüchtete ist dies umso wichtiger. In den Unterkünften b...raucht es daher sowohl ein Schutzkonzept vor Gewalt, als auch konkrete Leitlinien für die Mitarbeiter*innen, welche verdeutlichen, wie diese umzusetzen sind. Außerdem wurde der Praxisleitfaden zum „Traumasensiblen und empowernden Umgang mit Geflüchteten“ erstellt, der nicht nur für die Gewaltschutzkoordination bei der Umsetzung der Mindeststandards in den Unterkünften hilfreich ist, sondern auch für andere ehren- oder hauptamtlich arbeitende Personen Informationen und Handlungsvorschläge zu den Bereichen Trauma und Flucht bietet.
In the last quarter of 2019 Southern African Regional Interagency Standing Committee Africa (RIASCO) reported that more than 11 million people were experiencing crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity in nine Southern African countries1 due to deepening drought and climate related crisis. The ...Southern African Development Community (SADC) urged for urgent humanitarian action, and at the beginning of November 2019 Angola, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia had declared states of drought emergencies, requiring international assistance to address the worsening food insecurity situation.
AWMF Leitlinie, 12.7.2021
This survey of agricultural livelihoods and food security in the context of the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and other shocks was undertaken during February 2021 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 1 380 villages within 129 districts of 20, covering all agro-ecological zones of Afghanistan.
orientations provisoires, 14 juin 2021
orientaciones provisionales, 14 de junio de 2021
The steps reassert the sequence of the HPC, with needs analysis directly informing decisions about the response and monitoring, whether for the preparation of new plans or adjustments to existing ones. The steps of the HPC have a rationale and cannot be skipped. However, the depth of work under each... step can and should be adapted to the realities of the operating environment and capacities.
: Déclaration conjointe de l’OMS et de l’UNICEF encourageant une meilleure intégration des produits pharmaceutiques sensibles à la température dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement en produits de santé dans les cas appropriés, 19 novembre 2020
Sur la base des informations disponibles au 28 février 2021
Rapid Policy Brief Series Series 14: COVID-19 and hypertension
The World Climate and Security Report (WCSR) 2021 from the Expert Group of the International
Military Council on Climate and Security is a global assessment of the security dimensions of a changing
climate and effective means to address them. It is intended to inform timely climate and security po...licy
and action, and builds upon the analysis in the first WCSR, released in February 2020.
The World Climate and Security Report (WCSR) 2021 from the Expert Group of the International Military Council on Climate and Security is a global assessment of the security dimensions of a changing climate and effective means to address them. It is intended to inform timely climate and security and action, and builds upon the analysis in the first WCSR, released in February 2020.