Cette note stratégique porte spécifiquement sur le Grand Nord : soit les territoires de Beni et de Lubero au nord du Nord-Kivu constituant l’épicentre de la flambée épidémiquee. D’autres enquêtes participatives doivent être menées auprès des populations touchées, mais étant donné l...actuelle transmission du virus, la priorité a été accordée à la communication des considérations clées et des recommandations immédiates.
Première Conférence ministérielle mondiale de l’OMS
Mettre fin à la tuberculose à l’ère du développement durable : une réponse multisectorielle
Moscou, Fédération de Russie, 16-17 novembre 2017
Es handelt sich um ein gemeinsames Projekt der Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) und des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ). Der Orientierungsrahmen für den Lernbereich Globale Entwicklung ist ein Beitrag zur natio-nalen Strategie „vom Projekt zur Struktu...r“ im Anschluss an die UN-Dekade „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ und im Hinblick auf das neue BNE-Weltaktionsprogramm sowie die Post-2015-Agenda der Vereinten Nationen.
Dieses Handbuch bietet einen Überblick über das geltende Recht im Zusammenhang mit Asyl, Grenzmanagement und Einwanderung und umfasst sowohl das Recht der Europäischen Union als auch die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK). Im Handbuch wird die Situation derjenigen Ausländer untersucht,... die in der EU in der Regel als Drittstaatsangehörige bezeichnet werden. Mit diesem Handbuch sollen unter anderem Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NRO) und andere Einrichtungen unterstützt werden, die nicht auf den Bereich Asyl, Grenzen und Einwanderungsrecht spezialisiert sind und die sich möglicherweise mit rechtlichen Fragen in diesem Bereich auseinandersetzen müssen.
Für andere Sprachversionen siehe auch unter http://fra.europa.eu/de/publication/2013/handbuch-zu-den-europarechtlichen-grundlagen-im-bereich-asyl-grenzen-und-migration
National Child Traumatic Stress Network National Center for PTSD | The field of school safety and emergency management has evolved significantly over the past decade. Tragically, acts of violence, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks have taught us many lessons. We also know that other types of ...emergencies can impact schools, including medical emergencies, transportation accidents, sports injuries, peer victimization, public health emergencies, and the sudden death of a member of the school community. We now recognize the need for school emergency management plans that are up-to-date and take an “all-hazards” approach with clear communication channels and procedures that effectively reunite parents and caregivers with students. We have also learned that preparing school administrators, teachers, and school partnering agencies before a critical event is crucial for effective response, the value of ongoing training and emergency exercises, and that having intervention models that address the public health, mental health, and psychosocial needs of students and staff is essential to a safe school environment and the resumption of learning.
Reference book specifying the principles of intervention for all food security activities, from initial assessment to programme implementation.
Suicides take a high toll. Over 800 000 people die by suicide every year and it is the second leading cause of
death in 15-29-year-olds. Most suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries where resources
and services, if they do exist, are often scarce and limited for early identification, tr...eatment and support of
people in need. These striking facts and the lack of implemented timely interventions make suicide a serious
global public health problem that needs to be tackled urgently.
The articles in this compendium elaborate on some of the ideas shared at the symposium. Together, they provide a broad view of the dynamic interactions among physical, sexual and brain development that take place during adolescence. They highlight some of the risks to optimal development – includi...ng toxic stress, which can interfere with the formation of brain connections, and other vulnerabilities unique to the onset of puberty and independence. They also point to the opportunities for developing interventions that can build on earlier investments in child development – consolidating gains and even offsetting the effects of deficits and traumas experienced earlier in childhood.
The aim of this handbook is to provide network members and other laboratories involved in the diagnosis of tuberculosis, with an agreed list of key diagnostic methods and their protocols in various areas of TB diagnosis, ranging from microbiological diagnosis of active TB to the diagnosis of latent ...TB infection. This handbook offers a single source of reference by compiling all methods, with a strong focus on standard (reference) and evidence-based methods. In so doing, it will also contribute to the improvement of disease surveillance data for Europe.
Informe sobre poblaciones clave.
Protocol clinic naţional
PCN- 123
Raport național, 2014
Chișinău – 2015
The Dublin Regulation (Regulation No. 604/2013; sometimes the Dublin III Regulation; previously the Dublin II Regulation and Dublin Convention) is a European Union (EU) law that determines the EU Member State responsible to examine an application for asylum seekers seeking international protection u...nder the Geneva Convention and the EU Qualification Directive, within the European Union.
For versions in other european languages go to http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1445168308626&uri=CELEX:32013R0604
of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or... a stateless person (recast)