Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is a premalignant lesion that may exist at any one of three stages: CIN1, CIN2, or CIN3. If left untreated, CIN2 or CIN3 (collectively referred to as CIN2+) can progress to cervical cancer. Instead of screening and diagnosis by the standard sequence of cytolo...gy, colposcopy, biopsy, and histological confirmation of CIN, an alternative method is to use a ‘screen-and-treat’ approach in which the treatment decision is based on a screening test and treatment is provided soon or, ideally, immediately after a positive screening test. This guideline provides recommendations for strategies for a screen-and-treat programme
Report of a WHO technical consultation meeting
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
An international field study by African and German Theologicans and health workers
WHO Vaccine Management Handbook
Supplement to the Healthcare Waste Management Toolkit for Global Fund
Practitioners and Policy Makers