Module 4
July 2017
Module 4: Leaders. This module aims to inform and update leaders and decision-makers about PrEP. It provides information on the benefits and limitations of PrEP so that they can consider how PrEP could be effectively implemented in their own settings. It also contai...ns a series of frequently asked questions about PrEP.
Module 6
July 2017
Module 6: Pharmacists. This module is for pharmacists and people working in pharmacies. It provides information on the medicines used in PrEP, including on storage conditions. It gives suggestions for how pharmacists and pharmacy staff can monitor PrEP adherence... and support PrEP users to take their medication regularly.
Module 8
Site Planning
July 2017
Module 8: Site planning. This module is for people involved in organizing PrEP services at specific sites. It outlines the steps to be taken in planning a PrEP service and gives suggestions for personnel, infrastructure and commodities that could be considered... when implementing PrEP.
Module 10
Testing providers
July 2017
Module 10: Testing providers. This module is for people who provide testing services at PrEP sites and laboratories. It offers guidance in selecting testing services, including screening of individuals before PrEP is initiated and monitoring while they ar...e taking PrEP. Information is provided on HIV testing, creatinine, HBV and HCV, pregnancy and STIs.
Module 1q
PrEP users
July 2017
Module 11: PrEP users. This module provides information for people who are interested in taking PrEP to reduce their risk of acquiring HIV and people who are already taking PrEP – to support them in their choice and use of PrEP. This module gives ideas for cou...ntries and organizations implementing PrEP to help them develop their own tools.
Miles de personas mueren diariamente en todo el mundo a causa de infecciones contraídas mientras reciben atención sanitaria.
Guía de aplicación de la estrategia multimodal de la OMS para la mejora de la higiene de las manos y del modelo “Los cinco momentos para la higienede las manos”
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an acute infectious respiratory disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment, the disease presentati...on is more likely to be severe in older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, etc.
This intervention will be limited to the initial phase of India reporting only (i) travel related cases and (ii) focal clusters arising from a travel related/unrelated case where cluster containment strategy is adopted (iii) Persons coming from COVID-19 affected areas where local and community trans...mission is evident.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic presents an exceptional and unprecedented challenge for competent authoritiesa with responsibilities for national food safety control systemsb to continue conducting routine functions and activities in accordance with national regulations... and international recommendations. In many countries, competent authority staff are largely working from home, teleworking being the normal practice, and all face-to-face meetings cancelled or rescheduled as teleconferences. It is challenging to maintain, without interruption, routine activities such as the inspection of food business operations, certifying exports, control of imported foods, monitoring and surveillance of the safety of the food supply chain, sampling and analysis of food, managing food incidents, providing advice on food safety and food regulations for the food industry, and communicating on food safety issues with the public.
Les coronavirus forment une vaste famille de virus qui peuvent être pathogènes chez l’homme et chez l’animal. On sait que, chez l’être humain, plusieurs coronavirus peuvent entraîner des infections respiratoires dont les manifestations vont du simple rhume à des maladies plus graves comme... le syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS) et le syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS).
Countries can use this tool to collect in-depth facility inventories of biomedical equipment re-allocation, procurement and planning for COVID-19 case management. The survey assesses quantified availability and the causes for non-functioning of different sources of oxygen delivery and supply systems... to the patient in order to determine priorities and re-allocation requirements in accordance with needs.