This publication summarizes the facilitators and barriers that will be encountered in the deinstitutionalization process and identifies useful and proven interventions in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Four areas of work are identified with the respective guidelines or suggestions for actio...n, which should provide an operational guide for countries that are restructuring mental health services and moving toward the deinstitutionalization of psychiatric care.
Resources for Religious Leaders and Faith Communities
Climate change threatens to undermine the past 50 years of gains in public health. In response, theNational Health Service (NHS) in England has been working since 2008 to quantify and reduce its carbon footprint.
This Article presents the latest update to its greenhouse gas accounting, identifying ...interventions for mitigation efforts and describing an approach applicable to other health systems across the world.
„Breast Care - Brustbewusstsein“ ist eine App für Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund und für jede in Deutschland lebende Frau, der die Chance der Früherkennung von Brustkrebs zugänglich gemacht werden soll. Grundsätzlich werden die Frauen, die in Deutschland leben, durch... das gesetzliche Gesundheitssystem aufgefangen. Doch es gibt, je nach persönlicher Lebenssituation, verschiedene Hürden: Die Sprache als solches und hier gar nicht unbedingt fehlendes Verständnis, die teilweise völlig differenzierten Kommunikationswege, unterschiedlicher Informationsbedarf und andere kulturelle Grundbedingungen. Die App wird in sieben Sprachen verfügbar sein: - deutsch - türkisch - hocharabisch - persisch (Farsi) - englisch - spanisch - französisch
Nursing Times [online]; 117: 11, 18-21.
This publication summarizes the facilitators and barriers that will be encountered in the deinstitutionalization process and identifies useful and proven interventions in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Four areas of work are identified with the respective guidelines or suggestions for actio...n, which should provide an operational guide for countries that are restructuring mental health services and moving toward the deinstitutionalization of psychiatric care.
Here you will find poster for vaccination sites, patient care areas, at the entrances, hand hygiene, PPE, Cleaning
Open Journal of Nursing, 2020, 10, 617-635
These short videos are very helpful to train health professionals, midwives and mothers
You can download videos in different languages
The first clinical series is on newborn care and will consist of brief vignettes that “bring to life” internationally accepted newborn care guidelines
Available in different languages
This report presents an assessment of the institutional readiness to detect, prevent and address health issues associated with ASGM and aims to provide an input to the Ministry of Health (MISAU) to define key priorities in the Public Health Strategy on ASGM. Based on the consultation of representati...ves of MISAU as well as various other ministries and stakeholder groups concerned with ASGM, the report assesses institutional capacity strengths and challenges in the public health sector and identifies key stakeholders relevant for the development and implementation of a public health strategy for the ASGM sector.
Compilation of campaign materials
Accessed on 29 September 2020
The second edition of the WHPCA Global Atlas of Palliative Care was launched during World Hospice & Palliative Care Day 10 October. The Atlas is an update of the original WHPCA/WHO Global Atlas of Palliative care at the end of life published in 2014. It is full of useful facts and figures to support... palliative care advocacy and development. In this edition we have switched from using the WHO methodology for need for palliative care to the evolving Lancet Commission on Palliative Care and Pain Relief methodology. As a result the number of people needing palliative care has gone from 40 million per year to almost 57 million and more accurately reflects the need for palliative care globally models of palliative care worldwide? What resources are devoted to palliative care? What is the way forward?
UNAIDS calls on governments to live up to their commitment to develop nationally owned and led social protection systems for all, including floors; and scale up and progressively enhance coverage, adequacy and comprehensiveness, thereby improving the responsiveness and quality of interventions to ad...dress the needs and vulnerabilities of people living with HIV.
Prevention and Recognition of Obstetric Fistula Training Package
Accessed on 2 September 2020
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