DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 89 - The 2010 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey shows that 3 percent of Rwandan adults age 15-49 have been infected with HIV. The prevalence was much higher in urban areas, among women, and among adults who had multiple lifetime sexual partners and used a condom a...t last sexual intercourse. The
level of and differences in HIV prevalence in Rwanda in 2010 are very similar to those observed in 2005. Using data from the two recent Rwanda Demographic and Health Surveys, implemented in 2005 and
2010, this study examined changes in key HIV-related knowledge, attitudes, and sexual behavior indicators. Significant changes in selected indicators during 2005 and 2010 were determined by Student ttest with p-values less than 0.05.
02 - Series on Disability-Inclusive Development
From 2011 until 2016, a multi-actor programme was run in five countries to improve the life chances and living conditions of people experiencing exclusion and marginalisation of various kinds. This programme worked with local leaders, organisations and movements as well as various institutions and a...uthorities
focusing on older people, those with mental health issues, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, people displaced by war and youth at risk. Many initiatives were developed that had lasting effects on the ways in which these groups valued themselves and in which they are valued by society.
These guidelines provide a recommendation on iodine thyroid blocking (ITB), via oral administration of stable iodine, as an urgent protective action in responding to a nuclear accident. This recommendation aims to support emergency planners, policy makers, public health specialists, clinicians and o...ther relevant stakeholders, in order to strengthen public health preparedness for radiation emergencies in WHO Member States as required by the International Health Regulations (IHR) and in line with the international safety standards (GSR Part 7). The scope of the guidelines is confined to public health aspects of planning and implementation of ITB before and during a radiation emergency, such as dosage and timing of ITB administration, adverse effects of stable iodine, its packaging, storage, and distribution.
These guidelines supersede the 1999 WHO Guidelines for Iodine Prophylaxis following Nuclear Accidents.
Disabled children: a legal handbook is an authoritative yet accessible guide to the legal rights of disabled children and their families in England and Wales. The handbook aims to empower disabled children and their families through a greater understanding of their rights and entitlements. It is es...sential reading for the families of disabled children, their advocates and lawyers, voluntary and statutory sector advisers, commissioners, managers and lawyers working for public authorities, education, social and health care professionals, students and academics.
Each chapter has been adapted into a PDF for you to download for free
Effective risk communication requires the alignment of complex factors including trust between the communicator and the audience(s), audience involvement, and emotional responses to risk. Risk communication is especially challenging now as new media changes the landscape for both
communicators and... their audiences. Viewed as a discussion of the most important findings for risk communicators and managers, this report delves into research-driven recommendations for effective risk communication practices.
"National Disaster Management Guidelines: Management
of Chemical (Terrorism) Disasters (are intended to
focus on all aspects of the disaster management
cycle, including prevention measures such as
surveillance and intelligence, mitigation of direct
and indirect risks, preparedness in terms of
...capacity development of human resources and
infrastructure development, as well as relief,
rehabilitation and reconstruction/recovery."
For close to 15 years, the Monitor has tracked the impact of victim assistance on the lives of victims of landmines, cluster munitions,
and other explosive remnants of war (hereafter “mine/ERW victims”). Over this time, the international communi...ty has strengthened its resolve to promote the rights and address the needs of victims through programs and services that are accessible and adequate in quantity, quality, availability, and consistent with the high standards set by human rights as well as other international humanitarian law.
This is the 19th annual Landmine Monitor report. It is the sister publication to the Cluster Munition Monitor report, first published in November 2010.
Landmine Monitor 2016 provides a global overview of the landmine situation. Chapters on developments in specific countries and other areas are ava...ilable in online Country Profiles at www.the-monitor.org/cp.
Landmine Monitor covers mine ban policy, use, production, trade, and stockpiling, and also includes information on contamination, clearance, casualties, victim assistance, and support for mine action. The report focuses on calendar year 2015, with information included up to November 2016 when possible.
UNICEF – SOS Enfants Mai 2018
Lorsque des actes d’une violence inouïe ont frappé la région du Kasaï, en République démocratique du Congo, en 2016, des centaines de milliers de personnes ont dû fuir pour sauver leur vie. Parmi ces personnes en fuite, beaucoup étaient des enfants.
Les familles et les enfants les plus chanceux ont pu se réfugier chez des parents ou des amis dans des zones plus calmes de la région. Cependant, la plupart ont été déplacés à l’intérieur du pays, contraints de vivre à ciel ouvert au milieu d’une vaste et impitoyable savane formée d’arbres et d’arbustes, sans aucun accès à des soins de santé, à de la nourriture et à de l’eau salubre, et sans la moindre allumette pour faire du feu ni la moindre moustiquaire pour se protéger de la malaria.
Complément au Rapport mondial sur la prévention des traumatismes chez les enfants 2008
Plus de 2000 enfants meurent chaque jour des suites de traumatismes involontaires ou accidentels. Chaque année des dizaines de milliers d'autres sont hospitalisés pour des blessures qui les laissent souvent handicapés à vie.
Ce rapport conjoint de l'OMS et de l'UNICEF établit le premier b...ilan mondial des principales causes à l'origine des traumatismes involontaires touchant des enfants: les accidents de la route, les noyades, les brûlures, les chutes et les empoisonnements.
The training is targeted at all professionals involved in the management of drinking-water safety. The handbook is divided into three parts:
• Part 1 – Overview of the training approach, training structure and mode of training assessment
• Part 2 – Module learning material, which i...ncludes module objectives, delivery information, key points and exercises
• Part 3 – How the material can be adapted to different utility contexts
DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 108 - This report examines levels, trends, and inequalities in maternal health in Rwanda from 2010 to 2014-15 among women age 15-49 with a recent birth. The analysis uses Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data for 15 key indicators of maternal health: 6 for antenat...al care, 3 for delivery, 1 for postnatal care, and 5 for barriers to accessing medical care. Levels and trends in these indicators were analyzed overall and by three background characteristics: women’s education, household wealth quintile, and region.
Une adaptation de COPE®
(Services efficaces axés sur le client)
For the toolbox visit: http://www.engenderhealth.org/pubs/maternal/obstetric-delivery-care.php
This evaluation is the first systematic effort by UNICEF to generate evidence on how well its global as well as country level Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) strategies have worked, including their acceptance and ownership in various contexts and appropriateness of investments in c...apacity development and supply components. Overall, the evaluation recommends that UNICEF continue to promote and support CMAM as a viable approach to preventing and addressing severe acute malnutrition (SAM), with an emphasis on prevention through strengthening community outreach and integrating CMAM into national health systems and with other intervention