Demenz ist eine Krankheit, die Persönlichkeit und Verhalten eines Menschen grundlegend verändert. Angehörige von Demenzkranken fühlen sich oft alleine gelassen. Migrantinnen und Migranten kann diese Erkrankung in einem noch stärkeren Ausmass treffen, wenn sie mit dem schweizerischen Gesundheits...system wenig vertraut sind und wenn Fachpersonen ihre Bedürfnisse zu wenig erkennen und darauf eingehen – sie werden dann «doppelt fremd».
Patient information on depression. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
Information on what to expect of your baby as he/she grows and develops and safety concerns for your baby. Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Serbian and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
Information on what to expect of your baby as he/she grows and develops and safety concerns for your baby. Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Serbian and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
Information on what to expect of your baby as he/she grows and develops and safety concerns for your baby. Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Serbian and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
Information on what to expect of your baby as he/she grows and develops and safety concerns for your baby. Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Serbian and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
A fact sheet about hepatitis B and its link with liver cancer. It is available in the following languages: English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese on the website:
The National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) of Rwanda (known as TB & ORD Division/IHDPC/RBC) is preparing to write their next National Strategic Plan and for this reason Rwanda was selected as a country to received technical assistance (TA) to conduct an assessment of their surveillance system using t...he surveillance checklist as input for the new strategy. This TA was provided under the USAID TBCARE I Core project on Monitoring and Evaluation, Operational Research and Surveillance (C7.08) developed a surveillance checklist with the objectives to assess a national surveillance system’s ability to accurately measure TB cases and deaths and to identify gaps in national surveillance systems that need to be addressed in order to improve TB surveillance.
Materialien der entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit reproduzieren teils Vorurteile und Stereotypen. Doch wie und in welchem Umfang tun sie das genau? Bisher fehlten systematische Untersuchungen. glokal hat über einhundert Materialien für eine Dokumentation ausgewertet.