Esta guía es una herramienta que ha permitido desde su
primera edición, estandarizar los abordajes clínicos de las enfermedades más frecuentes atendidas a nivel de los hospitales del país. [Nicaragua] En el 2008 el Ministerio de Salud con la participación de otros colaboradores realizó la re...visión de la guía
publicada hace 4 años y le incorporó los cambios y adaptaciones necesarios a cada uno de los capítulos tomando como referencia las mejores evidencias científicas actuales. Esto facilitará el abordaje clínico estandarizado de los principales problemas de salud de la niñez usuaria de nuestros servicios.
Guide pour l’élaboration de protocoles de recherche dans les pays à faibles revenus
Distr.: General, Original: French
An evidence-informed approach for non-formal, out-of-school CSE programmes that aims to reach young people from left-behind populations
This guidance is intended to assist anyone designing and/or implementing CSE in out-of-school settings, especially in low- and middle-income countries. This international and national civil-society organizations, community-based organizations, government departments, UN agencies, health authorities, non-formal education authorities and youth development authorities. It is also intended for anyone else involved in the design, delivery and evaluation of sexuality education programmes out of school, especially those working with the specific groups of young people addressed in the guidance.
La lutte contre l’épidémie de Covid-19 nous montre de manière cinglante que, sur le terrain de l’action en santé publique, les logiques de promotion de la santé sont bel et bien minoritaires. Pendant cette période de crise, la décision
politique et sanitaire se base largement sur un mod...le hygiéniste. Ce dernier s’est déployé comme si la promotion de la santé (appelée à devenir à ses origines une «nouvelle santé publique») n’avait jamais existé, comme si tout un corpus
d’enseignements n’avait pu franchir les murs des écoles, comme si un ensemble de pratiques menées depuis un demi-siècle à différentes échelles n’avaient pas démontré leur efficacité et été reconnues scientifiquement.
The IDF Diabetes Atlas report highlights the disproportionate prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) among Indigenous Peoples globally. It emphasizes the social and health disparities resulting from colonization, loss of traditional practices, and systemic inequities. The report includes prevalence dat...a across various Indigenous populations, identifying significant variability and often higher rates among Indigenous women compared to men. The report calls for culturally responsive and community-driven interventions to address diabetes prevention and management while advocating for better data collection and representation to support Indigenous communities worldwide.
У цьому модулі описано основні принципи медичної допомоги людям, які її потребують, зокрема людям з ПНПР-розладами, а також їхнім доглядачам.
У першому підрозділі ...ього модуля подаються загальні принципи клінічної практики.
The aim of the Technical Brief is to offer guidance to education professionals on how to integrate Mental Health and Psychosocial Support into Education in Emergencies programming. An overview of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support activities that can be implemented in Education in Emergencies co...ntexts is detailed, in line with the MHPSS Minimum Service Package. Country examples and case studies are featured.
Take Action on Antimicrobial Resistance.For students in college and university
This is a booklet that is suitable for readers with a developed intellect. It is well summarized in a way that captures the most important facts to remember and actions to take against AMR.
9 June 2021
Since its launch, GLASS has expanded in scope and coverage and as of May 2021, 109 countries and territories worldwide have enrolled in GLASS. A key new component in GLASS is the inclusion of antimicrobial consumption (AMC) surveillance at the national level highlighted in this fourth G...LASS report.
The fourth GLASS report summarizes the 2019 data reported to WHO in 2020. It includes data on AMC surveillance from 15 countries and AMR data on 3 106 602 laboratory-confirmed infections reported by 24 803 surveillance sites in 70 countries, compared to the 507 923 infections and 729 surveillance sites reporting to the first data call in 2017.
The report also describes developments over the past years of GLASS and other AMR surveillance programmes led by WHO, including resistance to anti-human immunodeficiency virus and anti-tuberculosis medicines, antimalarial drug efficacy.
The prevalence, availability, and use of antimalarial medicines (AMLs) were studied in six Cambodian provinces along the Thai-Cambodian border. The study was divided into two parts: the first looked at the quality of AMLs available in Pursat, Pailin, Battambang, Bantey Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey, and ...Preah Vihear and the second obtained information about the availability and use of AMLs.
An action research conducted in Bang Shau village Northern Shan State, Myanmar