The Facilitator's Guide provides instruction and suggestions for teaching the training modules for the Technical Guidelines for Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in the Africa Region, 2nd edition. This training is intended for district level health officers who conduct IDSR activities. Th...e course is laid out in 7 modules that walk participants through the Technical Guidelines (TGs) chapter by chapter. By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the TGs and capable of utilizing them appropriately in their position
Technical Update
Areas of Africa endemic for Buruli ulcer (BU), caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, also have a high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), with adult prevalence rates between 1% and 5% (Maps). However, there is limited information on the prevalence of BU–HIV coinfection.... Preliminary
evidence suggests that HIV infection may increase the risk of BU disease (1–3). In the Médecins Sans Frontières project in Akonolinga, Cameroon, HIV prevalence was approximately 3–6 times higher among BU patients than the regional estimated HIV prevalence (2). Similarly in Benin and Ghana, BU
patients were 8 times and 3 times respectively more likely to have HIV infection than those without BU (1, 3). Further study is needed to clarify this association and enhance knowledge about the prevalence ofBU–HIV coinfection in endemic areas.
The report presents current information (updated to September 2015) on candidate vaccines, therapies and medical devices for Ebola and gives an overview of completed and on-going trials.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2016. doi:
Objective: To describe the temporal and geographical distribution of Zika virus infection, and associated neurological disorders, from 1947 to February 2016.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 908, 2003, Annex 9. This guide is intended for those involved in the storage, transportation and distribution of pharmaceuticals. It describes the special measures considered appropriate for the storage and transportation of pharmaceuticals.
Methodological field approaches for scientists with a basic background in entomology to prepare and implement a yellow fever entomological assessment during outbreaks