The recommendation in this document thus supersedes the previous WHO recommendation for the prevention of PPH as published in the 2012 guideline
The recommendation in this document thus supersedes the previous WHO recommendation for the prevention of PPH as published in the 2012 guideline, WHO recommendations for the prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage.
El propósito de este marco de valores es brindar orientación a nivel mundial acerca de la asignación de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 entre los países y a nivel nacional con respecto a la determinación de los grupos prioritarios para recibirlas dentro de los países, mientras el suministro sea... limitado. El marco tiene por objeto apoyar a los responsables de formular políticas y a los asesores expertos a nivel nacional, regional y mundial mientras toman decisiones sobre la asignación de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 y la priorización de los grupos que las recibirán
This document it available in Arabic, Chinese English, French, Portuguese and Russian
Refugees and migrants face unacceptable and extreme forms of violence on mixed migration routes from East and West Africa to and through North Africa. This report provides clear and strong findings based on almost 16,000 interviews with refugees and migrants all along the migration routes. It clear data on the extent to which refugees and migrants face various violations of their rights, and identifies who are generally reported to be responsible and should thus be held accountable.
La nueva hoja de ruta para poner fin a la TB en la población infantil y adolescente tiene un amplio público destinatario y alentamos a los países a que la adapten en función de su contexto nacional. Se prevé que utilicen la hoja de ruta los encargados de formular políticas a nivel nacional, re...gional y mundial; los programas nacionales relacionados con la TB, la salud maternoinfantil, la infección por el VIH y otros programas de atención primaria de salud que formulan estrategias y planes sobre los servicios de salud. También será útil para los profesionales de salud en los servicios públicos y privados, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y los organismos técnicos que participa
Bisher hat die STIKO empfohlen, dass alle im Ausland mit einem nicht in der EU zugelassenen Impfstoff geimpften Personen eine erneute Impfserie mit einem in der EU zugelassenen Impfstoff erhalten sollen. Ziel der im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 13/2022 veröffentlichten aktualisierten COVID-19-Impfemp...fehlung ist es, Personen, die eine COVID-19-Impfung mit einem der nicht in der EU zugelassenen Ganzvirusimpfstoffen (CoronaVac, Covilo und Covaxin) oder dem Vektor-basierten Impfstoff Sputnik V erhalten haben, mit einem Impfschutz auszustatten, der vergleichbar mit dem einer Grundimmunisierung plus Auffrischimpfung mit einem mRNA-Impfstoff ist.
More than 700 000 people lose their life to suicide every year. The world is not on track to reach the 2030 suicide reduction targets. WHO advocates for countries to take action to prevent suicide, ideally through a comprehensive national suicide prevention strategy. Governments and communities can ...contribute to suicide prevention by implementing LIVE LIFE – WHO’s approach to starting suicide prevention so that countries can build on it further to develop a comprehensive national suicide prevention strategy. The guide is for all countries, with or without a national suicide prevention strategy; national or local focal points for suicide prevention, mental health, alcohol or NCDs; and community stakeholders with a vested interest or who may already be engaged in implementing suicide prevention activities.
Excecutive Summary available in English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanisch here:
Este documento de referência foi preparado pelo Grupo de Trabalho sobre Vacinas contra COVID-19 do Grupo Consultivo Estratégico de Especialistas em Imunização (SAGE) para orientar as discussões do SAGE em sua reunião extraordinária de 8 de fevereiro de 2021, que resultou na publicação do do...cumento da OMS de 10 de fevereiro de 2021 Recomendações provisórias para o uso da vacina AZD1222 [ChAdOx1-S (recombinante)] contra COVID-19 desenvolvida pela Universidade de Oxford e pela AstraZeneca. Os dois documentos estão disponíveis na página sobre COVID-19 do SAGE: Têm sido usados vetores de adenovírus deficientes na replicação contendo um transgene específico do patógeno como novas vacinas devido à sua capacidade de induzir respostas humorais e celulares fortes.
Country Strategic Plan Evaluations (CSPEs) encompass the WFP strategy and entirety of WFP activities during a specific period. Their purpose is twofold: 1) to provide evaluation evidence and learning on WFP's performance for country-level strategic decisions, specifically for developing the next Cou...ntry Strategic Plan (CSP) and 2) to provide accountability for results to WFP stakeholders. These evaluations are mandatory for all CSPs and are carried out in line with the WFP Policy on Country Strategic Plans and the WFP Evaluation Policy.
This report sets out the compelling case for repurposing harmful agricultural producer support to reverse this situation, by optimizing the use of scarce public resources, strengthening economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and ultimately driving a food systems transformation that can suppor...t global sustainable development commitments.
English Analysis on World about Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment and more; published on 29 Sep 2021 by FAO and NEPAD
Analysis on World about Agriculture, Food and Nutrition and more; published on 23 Sep 2021 by ECA, ECLAC and 3 other organizations
Health, safety and wellbeing of the Healthcare workers is a prerequisite for good quality of care and patient satisfaction in health services. Healthcare facilities that are not safe for workers and patients are not resilient to any shock arising from hostile events, outbreaks or any other Occupational Safety and Health Act (2005) and the National Occupational Safety and Health Policy of Zanzibar require the development of stringent systems for managing occupational safety and health in all workplaces and the health system in general.
These Policy Guidelines have been developed by the Ministry of Health in consultation with the Ministry responsible for Labour and other stakeholders, such as organizations of workers, employers and professional associations in the health sector. The purpose of these guidelines is to foster the implementation of the international commitments and the national legislation regarding decent work in the health system as well as to improve the quality of care and the resilience of health facilities.
English Analysis on World about Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Epidemic and more; published on 15 Dec 2021 by FAO and UNICEF
Consensual Recommendation for treatment of COVID-19 in older adults
Management guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 infection
Lancet Glob Health 2021 Published Online December 13, 2021
Journal of Cancer Education