The Global Early Warning – Early Action (EWEA) report on food security and agriculture is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The report is part of FAO’s EWEA system, which aims to translate forecasts and early warnings into anticipatory action.
This report identifies and analyses policies and laws which currently include of Persons with disabilities in social protection specifically the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme and considers some of the gaps in the VUP norms which prevent the successful inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
The AFP SMART Facilitator’s Guide is intended to help advocates plan, execute, and evaluate an advocacy strategy session.
This report provides an update on the level of poverty based on 2013/14 Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey (EICV4) focusing on poverty as measured in consumption terms. The report also highlights other trend dimensions of living conditions captured in other surveys that complement and pro...vide a holistic understanding of poverty and living conditions.
Rwanda’s economy has been growing steadily at about 8% since 2001 with GDP per capita more than tripling from US$ 211 in 2001 to US$ 718 in 2014. Food crop production growth was more than twice that of population growth between 2007 and 2014.
The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2164 (2014), by which the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and requested me to report to it every three months on the implementation of the re...solution and the progress on the implementation of the Mission’s mandate. The present report covers the period from 17 December 2014 to 19 March 2015.
Practice Paper in Brief 19
En el último decenio, los datos de las secuencias genéticas de los patógenos han adquirido un papel crucial en la detección y el manejo de los brotes de enfermedades infecciosas, contribuyendo al desarrollo de pruebas diagnósticas, medicamentos y vacunas y orientando la respuesta sanitaria.
4. Central African Republic
Clashes throughout 2018 in the capital Bangui and a number of major towns illustrate the deadly threat posed by armed groups – a mix of pro-government militias, ex-rebels, bandits and local “self-defence” units – that control much of the countr...y. MINUSCA, the UN peacekeeping force, has failed to neutralise these groups and, as a result, is mistrusted by the general public. Likewise, the national army, slowly being deployed in parts of the country, has been unable to constrain the armed groups’ predatory activities. The humanitarian situation remains dire, with more than one million people internally displaced or fleeing to neighbouring countries and 2.5 million in need of assistance, according to the UN.
Topics in Antiviral Medicine 25 Issue 2 May/June 2017
Orientations provisoires
25 janvier 2020
Ce document est la première édition des orientations relatives aux stratégies de lutte anti-infectieuse à mettre en œuvre en cas de suspicion d’infection par un nouveau coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Il a été adapté du document de l’OMS intitulé P...révention et lutte contre les infections lors de la prise en charge de cas probables ou confirmés d’infection par le coronavirus du syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS-CoV)(1), sur la base des connaissances actuelles de la situation en Chine et dans d’autres pays où des cas ont été identifiés, et de l’expérience acquise sur le syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS)-CoV et le MERS-CoV (2).
L’ampleur de la résistance aux insecticides chez les vecteurs du paludisme met en péril l’efficacité des programmes de lutte anti-vectorielle. Si cette résistance n’est pas atténuée, le taux de morbidité palustre va s’accroître, entraînant une hausse significative des coûts liés ... la prévention de la maladie. Ce nouveau cadre est un guide pour l’élaboration d’un plan national de suivi et de gestion de la résistance aux insecticides chez les vecteurs du paludisme, lequel doit considéré comme partie intégrante du plan stratégique national de lutte contre le paludisme.
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занимающихся разработкой государственных программ по борьбе с туберкулезом, педиатр...ов и других работников здравоохранения в странах с низким и средним уровнем дохода. Эти рекомендации не подходят для стран с высоким уровнем дохода, где распространенность ТБ невысока. Особенно важно проводить это различие при выборе методов диагностики и обследовании контактных лиц.
procédures : guide méthodologique