The present National action plan on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) with component of antimicrobial consumption (AMC) covering both human and agriculture sectors was developed based on the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global plan on AMR dated 2015. With the purpose to develop this plan, in May 2...016 an intersectoral and interagency working group was established under coordination of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Service (SSESS), the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population (MoHSPP) of the Republic of Tajikistan. With technical as- sistance from the WHO a number of seminars, consultation meetings and workshops were conducted to identify country's priority areas and required actions for AMR con- tainment and AMC and control.
COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the biggest hindering threats to education service delivery worldwide which requires innovative solutions to overcome this situation and deliver education services to children. This pandemic has put the country in an emergency state compiled with the ongoing confl...icts and return of refugees from neighboring countries such as Pakistan and Iran whom are suffering from this pandemic in great numbers and its estimated that many returning Afghan refugees will be affected by this virus that requires immediate attention.
The purposes of this template are to support PAHO Country Offices and national/subnational emergency management mechanisms to develop or update their risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) plans related to COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic is a rapidly evolving situation and takes on patterns in countries and communities. It is therefore imperative that RCCE plans are adapted to the local context, reviewed frequently, and updated as needed.
In response to COVID-19, countries around the world have implemented several public health and social measures (PHSM), such as movement restrictions, closure of schools and businesses, and international travel restrictions.1 As the local epidemiology of the disease changes, countries will adjust (i....e. loosen or reinstate) these measures according to the intensity of transmission.
A toolkit containing links to videos which use clay figures to address topics relating to COVID-19, such as stigma and rumours, as well as issues surrounding migration, including social inclusion.
Psychological first aid (PFA) is a method of helping people in distress so they feel calm and supported to cope better with their challenges. It is a way of assisting someone to manage their situation and make informed decisions. The basis of psychological first aid is caring about the person in dis...tress and showing empathy. It involves paying attention to reactions, active listening and, if needed, practical assistance, such as problem solving, help to access basic needs or referring to further options for assistance. PFA helps normalize worry and other emotions, PFA also promotes healthy coping and provides feelings of safety, calming, and hope. These guidelines can be used by Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies to set up and run different kind of remote services for the public during the time of a COVID-19 response. It should be noted that the target group for the guidelines are adults.
This report sets out the compelling case for repurposing harmful agricultural producer support to reverse this situation, by optimizing the use of scarce public resources, strengthening economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and ultimately driving a food systems transformation that can suppor...t global sustainable development commitments.
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas 2022;00: 100248 Published online xxx
The Lancet Countdown report, discuss the overlapping social, climate and health challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean, and urge multisectoral and political action to trans...form these challenges into opportunities through adaptation and mitigation measures that place peoples’ health and wellbeing at the centre of public policies. Latin American and Caribbean governments are called upon to promote climate-resilient health care systems with adaptation plans that are tailored to guarantee quality access to care for all in this viewpoint.
UNICEF Syria’s series of think pieces. Every day counts. An outlook on child protection for the most vulnerable children in Syria.To navigate the complex and continuously changing context and attain sustainable results for children, UNICEF – along with other UN agencies - seeks to make a shift i...n its programming towards early recovery while maintaining the delivery of humanitarian assistance based on needs on the ground. This will help strengthen the linkages between the needs-based emergency response and essential service restoration, socioeconomic resilience, and social cohesion.
La Stratégie et plan d’action sur la promotion de la santé dans le contexte des objectifs de développement
durable 2019-2030 cherche à renouveler la promotion de la santé grâce à des interventions de nature sociale,
politique et technique, en agissant sur les déterminants sociaux de la s...anté, à savoir les conditions dans
lesquelles les personnes naissent, grandissent, vivent, travaillent et vieillissent (1). Ils visent à améliorer la
santé et à réduire les iniquités en matière de santé dans le cadre du Programme de développement durable à
l’horizon 2030
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) collected evidence through field missions and from other sources reporting on the situation in March, May and October 2022.
In parallel, it launched a large-scale online survey of those fleeing Ukraine. This aimed to gather personal experiences... of their journey to, arrival in and settling in the EU. The survey covered displaced people, including many children, in the 10 EU Member States hosting large numbers of people registered for temporary protection.
The chapter Fostering Health Systems’ Monitoring to Better Serve Older Populations is part of the publication series entitled Decade of Healthy Aging: Situation and Challenges. The publications are designed to favor the prioritization of effective actions at the local level as well as the of data and public health policies, and providing evidence-based information. Along with the objective of presenting the available updated knowledge about the situation of health and aging at the beginning of the Decade of Healthy Aging in the Americas, this publication gives information about health systems’ monitoring to better serve the needs of older adults and emphasizes the need for societies and health systems to better adapt to an aging population. It introduces the 360-tool as a guide to adapt health systems through monitoring tracers/indicators and highlighting the data and information that is readily available, disaggregated by age. This information can aid in decision-making and resource allocation to support older adults’ needs. Concerning the 360-tool development, a consensus has been reached on seven tracer indicators with high relevance to informing policy, and case studies in selected countries have assessed the feasibility of this approach. The list of indicators and the process related to the development of the tool are presented in this publication. The Decade of Healthy Aging 2021-2030 is a period to guide action towards the transformation of societies by fostering the inclusion of older people in every decision. This publication intends to contribute to this strategy and highlight the upcoming challenges and opportunities on healthy aging.
Policy and practice for maturity-aligned engagement of children in decisions about HIV-related medical and social services and management of confidential information
Kipling Beardsley, Health Policy Plus
Accessed: 26.10.2019
These guidelines are applicable to all biomedical, social and behavioural science research for health conducted in India involving human participants, their biological material and data.
The purpose of such research should be: i. directed towards enhancing knowledge about the human condition while ...maintaining sensitivity to the Indian cultural, social and natural environment; ii. conducted under conditions such that no person or persons become mere means for the betterment of others and that human beings who are participating in any biomedical and/or health research or scientific experimentation are dealt with in a manner conducive to and consistent with their dignity and well-being, under conditions of professional fair treatment and transparency; and iii. subjected to a regime of evaluation at all stages of the research, such as design, conduct and reporting of the results thereof.