COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus, a new coronavirus associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) viruses family and some coronaviruses associated with common cold.
There is still no evidence that persons living with HIV have a higher risk of contracting CO...VID-19 or if they will experience further complications of the disease, in case of contracting it. Nevertheless, it is very important that persons with HIV take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread.
(15 April 2020, BST 17:00 hours)
Actions Taken from Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS):
9292 Number of staff and RCY/ CPP/ Camp/ Community volunteers being mobilized throughout the country.
10116 Set of PPE provided to individuals working on COVID-19 response.
130,851 Number of Total Peop...le Reached (average/day)
313 Religious /Community Leaders reached through Hygiene promotion initiatives.
1,000,000+ People received life-saving awareness messages through social media.
786,000 People reached through Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials across the country.
10179 Hand-washing station established throughout the country including camp settlements in Cox’s Bazar.
166601 Hygiene and Protecting gears distributed i.e Soap (91686), Hand sanitizer(36650), Mask (33445), Hand Gloves (1908), Eye Protector (2912).
2005 Hospitals/ Institutions/ places already covered through disinfectant spraying.
12181 Women reached through Dignity Kit Distribution
Accessed: 04.04.2020
中期簡介資料 - 應對 COVID-19 疫情的 精神健康及社會心理問題
كرة مختصرة
تتناول الجوانب المتعلقة بالصحة النفسية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي
خلال تفشي فيروس كورونا المستجد 2019
النسخة 1.5
17 марта 2020 г.
Рабочая группа Межведомственного постоянного комитета по психическому здоровью и психосоциальной поддержке в условиях чрезвычайной ситуации
March 2020
ブリーフィング・ノート(暫定版) - 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID19)流行時の こころのケア
緊急時のメンタルヘルスと心理社会的サポート (MHPSS)に関する機関間常設委員会(IASC) リファレンス・グルー...プ
Last update: 2 April 2020
Accessed on 31.03.2020
This Guidance Note aims to provide humanitarian child protection practitioners, particularly child protection advisors and program managers, with guidance on how to engage in responses to infectious disease outbreaks to ensure children’s protection needs are taken into ac...count in preparedness for, and during responses to, the outbreaks. The Guidance Note draws upon lessons learned during infectious disease outbreaks globally in a variety of contexts.
The WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis: tuberculosis preventive treatment is the companion, implementation guide to the 2020 WHO guidelines on TB preventive treatment.[1] Just as these guidelines are the first to be released under the rubric of the WHO consolidated TB guidelines, this handbook... will be the first in a modular series of practical guides meant for the implementers of various aspects of the programmatic management TB.
IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment
IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment
BMJ 2020;368:m1052 doi: 10.1136/bmj.m1052 (Published 13 March 2020)
The Minimum Standards and Indicators for Community Engagement were developed through an inter‑agency consultation process that engaged a large number of experts from around the world. UNICEF wishes to acknowledge the contribution of all those that participated, and who share a passion for placing ...communities at the centre of development and humanitarian action. The consultation process consisted of a series of interviews, meetings and workshops over an 18‑month period. Representatives from countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America contributed input and feedback based on their experiences of designing, implementing and measuring community engagement approaches
Bulletin of the World Health Organization; Type: Perspectives
Article ID: BLT.19.24843