This is the first part of a five-part package that provides guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with developmental delays or disabilities.
The Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST) aims to pro...vide caregivers with skills that they can use at home to improve their child’s engagement in activities and communication, and to promote positive behaviour and skills for daily living.
In an effort to improve the capabilities and accountability of humanitarian and economic practitioners, the SEEP (Small Enterprise Education and Promotion) Network's Minimum Economic Recovery Standards focus on minimum industry standards for facilitating economic recovery in crisis situations.
Th...e handbook sets out strategies and interventions designed to improve income, cash flow, asset management, and growth among crisis-affected households and enterprises. These include financial services, productive assets, employment, and enterprise development. It emphasizes encouraging the re-start of enterprises and livelihoods strategies, and improving market productivity and governance
The document summarizes the infrastructure and activities for Ebola virus disease (EVD) preparedness that are already in place in the Gambia and identifies opportunities for improvement to strengthen the nation’s readiness in the event of an EVD incident.
The audit was undertaken in order to ascertain whether allocations and donations received directly by the Government of Sierra Leone, in the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease were utilised with due regard to economy and efficiency and that internal controls were observed accordingly. The audit f...ound that more than US$ 10 million in spending was inadequately documented and US$ 6 million may have been diverted to non-existent or “ghost” workers. The Quote: “It makes one wonder how a serious humanitarian crisis was used as money-making machine,” said Ibrahim Tommy, coordinator for Sierra Leone’s Centre for Accountability and Rule of Law
The Thinking Health manual outlines an evidence-based approach describing how community health workers can reduce prenatal depression through evidence-based cognitive-behavioural techniques recommended by the mhGAP programme.
This manual is the first volume of WHO’s new series on low-intensity p...sychological interventions.
Translation provided of the German Asylum Procedure Act (Asylverfahrensgesetz) by the Language Service of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The translation includes the amendment(s) to the Act by Article 2 of the Act of
23.12.2014 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2439). BEWARE: This version does no...t include the amendment of Nov. 2011! To compare with the current status of the German version, see
Zika and dengue viruses remain significant public health threats. These viruses share the same Aedes (Stegomyia) mosquito vectors and geographic distributions but infections cannot be readily distinguished clinically and need to be differentiated from each other, and from other circulating arboviral... and non-arboviral pathogens, using laboratory tests. This document provides guidance on current testing strategies for Zika and dengue virus infections with updates to the previous interim guidance for laboratory testing for ZIKV, addressing pregnant and non-pregnant patients respectively, and incorporates current guidance for dengue virus diagnostic testing. The choice of laboratory assays and interpretation of test results require careful consideration of epidemiology, patient history, and limitations of existing diagnostic tests.
This interim guidance is for use by staff of laboratories testing for Zika and dengue virus infections and for clinical practitioners and public health professionals providing clinical management or surveillance.
The third corridor for delivery of humanitarian assistance from Sudan to South Sudan is open.
In response to the drastic increase in humanitarian needs, WFP continues to scale up its assistance in Eastern Equatoria, Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Lakes states.
Construction w...orks of four cross-drainage structures along Juba-Kajo Keji road under WFP’s Feeder Road project have been completed as planned.
Adapted from well-established decision-making concepts and honed through practical application in resource-limited settings, the AFP Advocacy Portfolio includes:
1. Advocate for Family Planning, an introduction to AFP’s approach.
2. Develop a Strategy, featuring a tool to understand your context... and AFP SMART: A Guide to Quick Wins, our 9-step approach to developing a focused, collaborative advocacy strategy that leads to quick wins.
3. Implement a Plan, tools to monitor your impact and make your case to decision makers.
4. Capture Results, with the AFP Results Cascade: A User’s Guide, a monitoring and evaluation tool that provides instructions to track a quick win or series of quick wins to long-term impact, and case study writing guidance.
The Namibia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (NAMPHIA) 2017 | The Ministry of Health and Services is leading the NAMPHIA survey in collaboration with the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) and the Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP). The survey is supported by the United States President’s Eme...rgency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). | The goal of NAMPHIA is to examine the current distribution of the HIV epidemic and assess the impact of Namibia’s prevention, care and treatment response across all 14 regions of Namibia.
The Namibia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (NAMPHIA) 2017 | The Ministry of Health and Services is leading the NAMPHIA survey in collaboration with the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) and the Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP). The survey is supported by the United States President’s Eme...rgency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). | The goal of NAMPHIA is to examine the current distribution of the HIV epidemic and assess the impact of Namibia’s prevention, care and treatment response across all 14 regions of Namibia.
This guideline is intended to provide recommendations to applicants wishing to submit applications for the registration of medicines. It represents the Medicines Control Council’s current thinking on the safety, quality and efficacy of medicines.
Discussion paper initially prepared in April 2015 to facilitate feedback, and finalized after the
June 2015 meeting of WHO’s Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for TB (STAG-TB).
Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET): Disussion Paper 110
This report compiles evidence from published, grey literature and key informants on the UNMHCP
since its introduction in Uganda’s health system, and findings were further validated during a oneda...y
national stakeholder meeting.
Three main factors motivated introduction of the UNMHCP. First, Uganda, along with other lowincome countries, was unable to implement holistically the primary healthcare (PHC) concepts as set out in the Alma Ata Declaration. Second, the macro-economic restructuring carried out in the 1990s, which was an international conditionality for low-income countries to access development financing, influenced the trend towards more stringent prioritisation of health interventions as a means of rationing and targeting use of resources. Third, the government sought to achieve equity with a service package that would be universally available for all people.
This year marked the beginning of the WHO biennium 2016-2017 action plan; this annual report highlights WHO’s key achievements in 2016
It also documents the extraordinary efforts by a broad coalition of government ministries, municipalities, international agencies, community groups, women’s or...ganizations, religious and traditional leaders, media, private sector and donors towards restoration and improving health indicators.
R4D conducted a thorough desk review and qualitative fiscal space analysis, 19 interviews about financing for the three diseases and the extent of alignment between public financial management systems and health policy objectives, and a validation workshop with government officials.
Tanzania’...s disease response faces a triple transition challenge: replacing donor funding, closing the resource gap that would exist even with donor funding, and more efficiently delivering on disease response objectives.
Ethiopia met the MDG target for drinking water access with a unique and high degree of success. The magnitude of the country’s success in providing improved drinking water to nearly half of its population in 25 years despite its diversity, size, and challenges cannot be overstated. This case study... documents the progress of the Ethiopian WASH sector from 1990 to 2015, and analyzes the impact of local systems created in Ethiopia to respond to water and sanitation challenges.
This case description elaborates on the pilot implementation of the innovative, participatory PM&E tools of War Child Holland’s psychosocial life skills intervention ‘ I DEAL’. The action research aimed to identify ways that work best for I DEAL facilitators to learn and act on basis of their ...PM&E.
IK Notes No. 10 July 1999 | IK Notes reports periodically on Indigenous Knowledge (IK) initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is published by the Africa Region's Knowledge and Learning Center as part of an evolving IK partnership between the World Bank, communities, NGOs, development institutions and... multilateral organizations. T
Integrating trauma healing for partner staff into recovery programming.
This assessment shares testimonies from CRS and partner staff who participated in a trauma healing program in Central Africa Republic.
CRS's trauma-healing methodology uses small groups—of all genders, ages and faiths—focu...sing on the survivors of violence. Religious leaders, members of community protection committees, and local authorities also participate in these groups. Basic trauma‑healing workshops focus on individual sharing and healing while laying the foundation for communities to build capacity to respond to widespread suffering