A desk guide for health facilities . It outlines a comprehensive approach to respiratory health, which health facilities can adapt and implement in resource-limited settings
Guidance | Preparedness - Response and early recovery - Recovery and reconstruction
Guidance on Implending Publi-Private Mix Approaches
Emerging evidence and experience to inform risk management in a warming world
Volume 2 · Supplement 4 · November 2016
ISSN 2055-66-40 – Print
| ISSN 2055-66-59 – Online
International Journal for Equity in Health 2014, 13:24
China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Volume 6, No. 3 (2008) p. 101-128 © Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program
ISSN: 1653-4212
In the last five years, i.e. how old turned the Campaign “Indifesa” (Defenceless) in 2016, that was launched by Terre des Hommes in 2012, the world has become smaller. One can actually say that the derangements following the Arab Spring in 2011 reshuffled what is stable and what produces instabi...lity; between those, who live in a peaceful world, and those, who try to survive in areas affected by violence. All that significantly reduced the distance between those, who live there, along the Mediterranean cost, and those, who live here. Such deep disorder made even more acute, visible and tangible also for the so called developed world all the serious violations of the human rights suffered by little girls and girls: on the one hand the widespread political instability and violence made even more precarious the little girls and young women’s conditions on the Mediterranean southern coast, where they were already fragile; and on the other hand the migration flows further worsened them, matching at the same time the conditions of those young and very young migrants to those of the European girls of the same age.
Drake AL et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2019, 22:e25271 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jia2.25271/full | https://doi.org/10.1002/jia2.25271
PeerJ PrePrints , http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.579v1 2 Nov 2014