Supplement Article J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
Vreeman RC et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20(Suppl 3):21497 |
SAJHIVMED DECEMBER 2013, Vol. 14, No. 4
HIV Treatment - Interim Guidance
DOI 10.15252/emmm.201404792 |Published online 30.12.2014
EMBO Molecular Medicine(2014)emmm.201404792
This position paper on polio vaccines replaces the 2016 WHO position paper, and summarizes recent developments in the field.
The occurrence of a case of wild polio in a previously polio free area as presently in Syria, whether through importation, laboratory accident, or mutation of vaccine virus (VDPV), should be considered a public health emergency, that requires a rapid and high quality response as utmost priority
Fact Book on WHO Level I and Level II monitoring indicators - To monitor the progress of efforts to improve the global medicines situation, WHO has developed a system of indicators that measure important aspects of a country’s pharmaceutical situation. Level 1 indicators measure the existence and ...performance of key national pharmaceutical structures and processes. Level II indicators measure key outcomes of these structures and processes in the areas of access, product quality and rational use. These indicators can be used to assess progress over time; to compare situations between countries; and to reassess and prioritize efforts based on the results.
This Fact Book gives the results of the assessment of Level I indicators conducted in 2003 and of Level II indicator surveys conducted between 2002 and 2004
A manual for health managers
Informe sobre poblaciones clave
Accessed November 2017
Informe sobre poplaciones clave.
Rapport sur les populations clés.
Informe sobre poblaciones clave.
Public Health Action
vol 5 no 3 published 21 september 2015
Rappart sur les populations clés.