Capacity Project Gender Research Brief | In Lesotho, as in many other countries, the HIV and AIDS care burden falls on the shoulders of women and girls in unpaid, invisible household and community work. This gender inequity in HRH needs to be addressed to ensure fair and sustainable responses to the... need for home and community-based HIV/AIDS care and support. The Capacity Project addressed these issues through a study of men as providers of HIV/AIDS care and support.
Prise en charge des affections courantes de l'enfance. 2ième edition
Ce mémento est destiné aux médecins, au personnel infirmier et autres professionnels de santé responsables des soins administrés aux jeunes enfants au premier niveau de recours.
Il est conçu pour être utilisé pour les s...oins des enfants hospitalisés et des enfants vus en ambulatoire dans les petits hôpitaux qui disposent des services de laboratoire et des médicaments essentiels de base.
A Smart Phone and tablet application ist avaiable from the Apply or Google Play Store
Special attention is drawn to the following sections, which are particulary relevant within the COVID-19 context:
Chapter 4: information on cough and difficulty in breathing, pneumonia and bronchiolitis;
Chapter 10: information on essential supportive care including feeding, fluid and oxygen provision;
Annex 1: information on related practical procedures.
Ce manuel est destiné aux formations sanitaires de base afin qu’elles puissent faire face à la lutte contre la lèpre au Rwanda en s’alignant à la Stratégie mondiale renforcée telle que définie par l’OMS1. Cette stratégie de l’OMS et ses partenaires a pour but de réduire davantage la... charge de la lèpre, et fournir des services de qualité pour le traitement de la maladie dans toutes les communautés affectées, tout en garantissant le respect des principes d’équité et de justice sociale.
A Formative Evaluation of UNICEF’s Child Protection System Building Approach in Indonesia
What is Violence Against Women? Why does it happen? What does it have to do with development? What does Oxfam do to end violence against women? What does it mean to do that work with a transformative approach?
Available in: English, Arabic, French, Spanish:
PHA 2018; 8(S1): S24–S28
© 2018 The Union
One health Response to AMR Containment.
In a significant move for the public health sector, Kerala has become the first state in India to launch an action plan to combat the growing cases of antimicrobial immunity, arising primarily from irrational use of medicines and excessive antibiotics used in... livestock and poultry.
Elaborat în cadrul proiectului „Fortificarea controlului tuberculozei în Moldova”, finanţat de către
Fondul Global de combatere a SIDA, Tuberculozei şi Malariei.