Diabetes is a major public health problem in the Americas and worldwide, demanding special attention and integrated response. It is estimated that more than 62 million adults are living with diabetes in the Americas. The projections show that diabetes prevalence will continue to increase to at least... 2025. Its steady rise has been mainly due to the high prevalence of risk factors, especially overweight/obesity and physical inactivity. Diabetes also is one of the leading causes of mortality and disability worldwide and across our Region.
Ocean plastic pollution has reached crisis level: every minute, more than an entire garbage truck of plastic makes its way into the world’s oceans—roughly 11 million metric tons annually. While plastic waste presents an immediate threat to marine wildlife and ecosystems, this global challenge al...so has implications for major industries such as fishing and tourism, impacting the livelihoods of millions of people. The drivers and impacts of ocean plastic pollution also contribute to global challenges in food security, human health, and climate change.
This document provides an overview of key considerations for the provision of the HIV continuum of care in the context of displaced people from Ukraine in the EU/EEA. This document has two aims: firstly, to outline what is known of the Ukrainian HIV epidemic, and secondly, to use the HIV continuum o...f care as a framework to set out suggestions based on published evidence and expert opinion on the management of the HIV continuum of care, with special consideration for people living with HIV from Ukraine. The document will also address the needs of those at risk of acquiring HIV. The main findings of this document were presented during an ECDC webinar, ‘Key considerations on the continuum of HIV care for refugees from Ukraine,’ hosted on 19 May 2022.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the challenges countries face for maintaining their COVID-19 response while addressing competing public health challenges, conflicts, climate change and economic crises.
It remains critical for national programmes to continue to offer testing for COVI...D-19 in line with three main objectives: reduce morbidity and mortality through linkage to prompt care and treatment, reduce onward transmission and track the evolution of the epidemic and the virus
UNICEF Syria’s series of think pieces. Every day counts. An outlook on child protection for the most vulnerable children in Syria.To navigate the complex and continuously changing context and attain sustainable results for children, UNICEF – along with other UN agencies - seeks to make a shift i...n its programming towards early recovery while maintaining the delivery of humanitarian assistance based on needs on the ground. This will help strengthen the linkages between the needs-based emergency response and essential service restoration, socioeconomic resilience, and social cohesion.
The Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) launched Ending Cholera: A Global
Roadmap to 2030 (Global Roadmap) (1), a strategy that aims to reduce global cholera
deaths by 90% and eliminate the disease in at least 20 countries by 2030. It is
organized according to three main axes:
• E...nsuring early detection and response to contain outbreaks; (2)
• Adopting a multisectoral approach to prevent and control cholera in hotspots; and
• Establishing an effective coordination mechanism for technical support, resource
mobilization and partnership at local and global levels.
Le Groupe spécial mondial de lutte contre le choléra (GTFCC) a lancé Mettre fin au choléra :
Une feuille de route mondiale pour 2030 (la Feuille de route mondiale) (1). Cette stratégie vise
à réduire de 90 % le nombre de décès dus au choléra dans le monde et à mettre fin à la
malad...ie dans au moins 20 pays d’ici 2030. Elle est organisée selon trois axes principaux :
• assurer une détection et une réponse précoces pour contenir les épidémies(2) ;
• adopter une approche multisectorielle pour prévenir et contrôler le choléra dans les
points chauds ; et
• mettre en place un mécanisme de coordination efficace de l’appui technique, la
mobilisation des ressources et des partenariats aux niveaux local et mondial.
Climate change creates and exacerbates circumstances conducive to gender-based violence. Climate action must tackle gender-based violence.
Policy Brief. More languages available here https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/179517
Recommendations on the initiation and continuing use of nine common types of contraceptive methods are covered by the tool. In addition to looking at individual medical conditions or characteristics, users may also easily combine multiple conditions or characteristics and view the guidance on each c...ondition separately or in combination.
2014-2020, Draft March 2014
The World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO), in accordance with recommendations from various WHO committees, has developed three flagship programmes to support Member States in the African region to prepare for, detect and respond to public health emergencies. They are the re...sult of extensive consultations with more than 30 African government ministers, technical actors, partners across the continent as well as regional institutions such as the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), whose contributions have shaped the priority activities. This report provides the second quarterly summary of progress in implementing the flagship programmes.
Mientras los países se esfuerzan por avanzar hacia los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y lograr la cobertura sanitaria universal, las desigualdades sanitarias provocadas por la discriminación racial y los factores interrelacionados siguen estando omnipresentes. Las desigualdades que sufre...n los pueblos indígenas, los afrodescendientes, los romaníes y otras minorías étnicas son preocupantes a nivel mundial; son injustas, prevenibles y remediables
Los propios sistemas de salud son determinantes importantes de la salud y la equidad sanitaria. Pueden perpetuar las desigualdades sanitarias al reflejar el racismo estructural y las prácticas discriminatorias de la sociedad en general. En este sentido, el racismo sistémico (por ejemplo, relacionado con la ubicación de los servicios o los requisitos para acceder a ellos), los prejuicios implícitos, la práctica clínica mal informada o la discriminación por parte de los profesionales de la salud contribuyen a las desigualdades sanitarias. Ahora bien, los sistemas de salud también pueden convertirse en una de las principales fuerzas para combatir las desigualdades a las que se enfrentan las poblaciones que sufren discriminación racial.
La atención primaria de salud (APS) representa la estrategia esencial que permite reorientar los sistemas de salud y las sociedades para que sean más saludables, equitativos, eficaces y sostenibles. En 2018, al cumplirse el 40.º aniversario de la Declaración de Alma-Ata, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) renovaron el énfasis en la atención primaria de salud con su estrategia sobre la atención primaria de salud en el siglo XXI.
La OMS ha señalado 14 mecanismos estratégicos y operacionales con los que los responsables políticos pueden reforzar la atención primaria de salud. Cada mecanismo dispone de múltiples puntos de partida posibles para emprender acciones específicas dirigidas a combatir la discriminación racial, fomentar la atención de salud intercultural y reducir las desigualdades sanitarias que sufren los pueblos indígenas, los afrodescendientes, los romaníes y otras minorías étnicas
This Trachoma Action Planning – a planning guide – is published by the
International Coalition for Trachoma Control at the request of the
World Health Organization Alliance for the Global Elimination of Trachoma
by 2020.
In 2011, ICTC developed a Trachoma Action Plan (TAP) planning guide to support national health officials in endemic countries. This resource was developed to complement the 2020 INSight roadmap by helping countries create specific national plans detailing how they will reach elimination targets in t...heir own particular contexts.
Over 6 million people worldwide are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan that causes Chagas disease
(CD). T. cruzi is transmitted by triatomine insects, congenitally, through uncontrolled blood donations and organ transplants,
and via consumption of food or drink contaminated by triatomi...nes.
This document provides an overview of WHO's Refugee and migrant health toolkit, a web-based one-stop comprehensive platform of tools and resources to support the global, regional, and country efforts in implementing health and migration-related activities.