PLOS ONE | October 3, 2018
braz j infect dis. 2014;18(5):491–495
1413-8670/© 2014 Elsevier Editora Ltda. Este é um artigo Open Access sob a licença de CC BY-NC-ND
Country Progress Report
Reporting Period
January – December, 2014
Accessed: 26.09.2019
The Open Infectious Diseases Journal, 2013, 7, (Suppl 1: M6) 54-59
Alcohol, medication, tobacco, illegal drugs, addictive behaviour
Second, revised edition with new layout
Juni 2014
Q3: Are pharmacotherapies safe and effective for the treatment of psychostimulant dependence (maintenance or relapse prevention) in non-specialized settings?
Developmental disorders
Chapter C.3
Mood disorders
Chapter E.4
2018 edition
Other disorders
Chapter H.3
Tanzania is prone to refugee influxes, often of long duration. Despite facing its own economic challenges, for decades Tanzania has welcomed thousands of refugees fleeing conflicts in neighboring countries of Great Lakes Region. The counties geographic proximity to the strifetorn Congo Basin is resp...onsible in part for the ease access of displaced populations. As well Tanzania was an early signatory in the region to international agreements on the rights and welfare of refugee and asylum seekers As of December, 2018, Tanzania host some 284,300 camp-based refugees, 77% of who are children and woman, in Nduta, Nyarugusu and Mtendeli Refugee Camps in Kigoma region in Northwest Tanzania. About 74% are from Burundi, and the remaining 26% are primarily from Democratic republic of Congo.
This paper provides information to assist World Bank and GFDRR staff in affecting disability-inclusive DRM. It is based upon desk reviews of existing practice, as well as consultations with experts in the field of disability-inclusive DRM. The paper:
- Illustrates promising practices related to... disability-inclusive DRM;
- Identifies key gaps in knowledge and practices;
- Identifies value-added areas for GFDRR and the World Bank, including specific actions they can take to advance the disability and social inclusion agenda in DRM;
It includess:
- Relevant guiding international policy frameworks;
- Disability inclusion in the priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction;
- Illustrations of promising practices in disability-inclusive DRM;
- An annex of resources related to disability and DRM.