Operational Updates
Emergency Relief & Nutrition Rakhine: A significant increase in internal displacements due to continued armed conflict between the Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) and Arakan Army was reported in northern and central Rakhine State increasing from 6,000 people in February to 20,000 i...n March. WFP delivered a one-month ration of food to 2,220 newly displaced people in central Rakhine State, with plans to extend support to additional displaced populations based on coordination with other actors meeting current needs, including the Government and ICRC. WFP continued providing emergency relief assistance to 96,050 conflict-affected people from 173 Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu villages in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships of northern Rakhine State. In addition, WFP reached over 16,300 children under 5 years through nutrition interventions. In central Rakhine, 4,740 pregnant and lactating women (PLWs) and 24,160 children under 5 years were reached with nutrition interventions, and over 128,040 food-insecure people received relief assistance.
Echoes from Syria Issue 5
A comprehensive summary of mental health research, providing a unique handbook of key facts and figures, covering all key areas of mental health
As part of our commitment to the fight against NCDs, Nigeria was signatory to the political declaration at the UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on NCDs in September 2011. Thus, the purpose of this document is to develop and ensure the implementation of policies and p...rogrammes that will engender and guarantee a healthy lifestyle and quality health for all Nigerians. The core sections include background, scope of the policy, policy goal, strategic thrusts for implementation, programme management and coordination, roles of stakeholders and partnership coordination. It is expected that with the adoption of this policy, the control and prevention of NCDs and their associated risk factors will be well integrated at all levels of government and health care delivery system in Nigeria. This policy document is therefore a stepping stone towards the development of guidelines for the prevention and management of NCDs.
After a decade of crisis, Syria remains one of the world’s most complex humanitarian crises. Continued hostilities, new and protracted displacement, increased returns and the sustained destruction of communities have impacted Syrians’ lives and futures in a devastating way. The 2021 Humanitarian... Needs Overview (HNO) identified that 13.4 million people, more than half of country’s pre-crisis population, need humanitarian support. Of this figure, 12.4 million require health care.
A policy brief highlighting key factors associated with adolescent pregnancy. Adolescent pregnancy undermines girls’ human rights and reduces opportunities to realize their full potential.
The purpose of this booklet is to assist WHO and other
Public Health workers in the field when an emergency
occurs. The booklet provides technical hints on how to
carry out a rapid health assessment, how to facilitate
coordination, how departments in WHO can assist, etc.
Standard formats for re...porting and reference indicators
are provided
Психические расстройства имеют общие черты с другими неинфекционными заболеваниями, в том числе многие основные причины и общие последствия, высокую степень взаи...мозависимости и склонность развиваться одновременно, а также то, что их наиболее эффективное лечению связано с использованием интегрированных подходов. Схемы более интегрированного планирования и программирования включают: вмешательства популяционного уровня, направленные на повышение осведомленности о факторах риска НИЗ и психических расстройств и их снижение (посредством изменения законодательства, регулирования и повышения информированости); внедрение программ, осуществляемых в школах, на рабочих местах и в сообществах в целях укрепления психического и физического благополучия; предоставление более индивидуальных услуг здравоохранения, и предоставление более координированной помощи людям с (часто коморбидными) психическими и соматическими заболеваниями.