The principle of “the best interest of the child” should guide decisions by politicians whenever
children are affected. This is one of the basic ideas in the UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child. Decision makers should assess the consequences for children before taking
action. Today, this... principle is not fully respected in European countries in relation to migrant
Global UNIDO Project: Strengthening the local production of essential medicines in least developed and developing countries
This guide is an introduction on how to integrate logistics management information systems (LMIS) with geographic information systems (GIS). It covers the value of integrating these two systems, the steps in assessing if it is currently viable to link the systems, how to set the linkage, the for using LMIS within a GIS platform, and finally how to sustain the linkage. The aim of this guide is to assist logistics managers, decisionmakers and technical experts in understanding the value of integrating GIS and of the process involved in integrating these two systems.
UNAIDS and DPKO non paper | 2011
This manual has been developed to guide rapid risk assessment of acute public health risks from any type of hazard in response to requests from Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO). The manual is aimed primarily at national departments with health-protection responsibilities, Nationa...l Focal Points (NFPs) for the International Heath Regulations (IHR) and WHO staff. It should also be useful to others who join multidisciplinary risk assessment teams, such as clinicians, field epidemiologists, veterinarians, chemists, food-safety specialists.
Humanitarian NGOs have made increased use of Private Security Providers (PSPs) over the last decade. There is a gap between the ways that NGOs actually use PSPs and the regulation of this engagement. These guidelines aim to assist humanitarian NGOs in reaching an informed decision about when, how an...d under what conditions to seek PSP services. The guidelines are aimed at operational managers of NGOs, from headquarter to field level. The guidelines do not only cover armed guarding or armed protection, but can be applied to the wide range of services provided by PSPs. Document also available in French.
Au cours des dix dernières années, les ONG humanitaires ont fait de plus en plus fréquemment appel aux Entreprises de sécurité privées (ESP). On observe l’existence d’un écart entre la manière dont les ONG utilisent les ESP dans la réalité et la régulation d’une telle relation. Ces ...orientations ont pour objet d’aider les ONG humanitaires à prendre une décision en connaissance de cause sur quand, comment et dans quelles conditions, recourir aux services d’une ESP. Ces orientations sont destinées aux responsables opérationnels des ONG au niveau du siège et du terrain. Ces orientations ne couvrent pas uniquement des activités de surveillance ou de protection armées, mais peuvent être appliquées à une gamme plus étendue de services assurés par les ESP.
This manual aims to provide practical guidance to field workers in order to maximise the nutritional impact of food security & livelihoods (FSL) interventions. This requires the systematic use of a ‘nutrition lens’ at each step of the project cycle and a close collaboration between sectors.
The scope of the Guidance is primarily the education in rural settings in Myanmar, but it covers some of the issues which have pan Myanmar implication and relevance. Considering the importance, complexity and vastness of the subject, similar type of initiatives on urban school and education system a...nd other issues needs to be taken up in future.
The Guidance has four sections namely Introduction to this Guidance, Rationale for Mainstreaming DRR in the Education Sector, How to Mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction in Reconstruction Process of Education Sector in Myanmar and Creating an Enabling Environment for Safer Education. The Guidance also includes good practices of various agencies involved in Cyclone Nargis education sector recovery as example.
No publication year indicated.
A community-based approach.
These guidelines focus on manmade rather than natural disasters, but our experiences in India, El Salvador and Pakistan (earthquake interventions), and following the 2004 tsunami, cyclone Nargis in 2008 and the Haiti earthquake in 2010, showed that the principles describ...ed also work well in contexts of natural disasters.
South Africa has faced many challenges over the past two decades, accomplishing profound positive changes in the social structure and government of the nation. This has not yet fully translated into better health for the population, however, particularly the poorest segment. In fact, the p...opulation has lost ground since the 1990s in virtually all important health indicators, leaving South Africa with a high burden of infectious disease.
August 2011, Vol. 101, No. 8 SAMJ
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an important public health concern shared by developed and developing countries. In developing countries the burden of infectious diseases is greater and exacerbated by limited access to, and availability and affordability of, antimicrobials required to treat infect...ions caused by AMR organisms. With drugs not listed on the essential drugs list (EDL), problems of increased morbidity, costs of extended hospitalisation and mortality are extremely serious. The problem of susceptibility to and spread of infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) infectious agents is fuelled by factors such as limited access to clean water and sanitation to ensure personal hygiene, malnutrition, and the HIV/TB epidemic.