Onchocerca volvulus transmitted by repeated bites of infected blackflies (Simulium spp.). These blackflies breed along fast-flowing rivers and streams, close to remote villages located near fertile land where people rely on agriculture.
There is a need to reinforce skills of national and district... health workers to know and identify the disease, understand the risk factors according to the context and living conditions of the affected communities, and promote the implementation of public health interventions. With the shift from control to elimination, large areas in Africa require mapping to assess whether transmission is active, and treatment required. A sampling strategy named Onchocerciasis elimination mapping has been developed to help countries conduct those assessments and start treatment where needed.
This course examines the epidemiology of Onchocerciasis, clinical aspects, impact, diagnosis, treatment and control, elimination, public health interventions and role of community health workers
During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers in areas where dengue is endemic or who are treating patients with recent travel history to these areas, need to consider dengue and COVID-19 in the differential diagnosis of acute febrile illnesses.
Decontamination of medical devices plays an important role in the prevention of health care-associated infections. It includes cleaning, disinfection and/or sterilization. The processes involved in decontamination are complex, require specific infrastructure and equipment, and involve several sequen...tial steps that need to be performed correctly – from device collection and receipt by the decontamination unit to processing, storage and distribution throughout the facility. Quality control procedures (such as validation) at each step of the decontamination process are of the utmost importance to ensure the correct functioning of the equipment and processes. This aide-memoire presents a concise overview of important advice and key elements at a glance.
As climate change increasingly contributes to migration and displacement in many parts of the world, there is a pressing need for measures that build resilience and prevent displacement as well as those that help climate-affected people move to safety and support receiving communities. Multilateral ...development banks (MDBs) are critical, if sometimes overlooked, players because of their ability to invest in large-scale projects that contribute to sustainable development, primarily in low- and middle-income countries.
This report explores the unique role of MDBs in the climate finance landscape and highlights opportunities for migration, humanitarian, and other key actors to partner with them on projects that effectively target climate-related migration and displacement. After reviewing the evidence on the complex linkages between climate and mobility, the report examines MDBs’ climate-related work to date, challenges they face to scaling up these efforts, and strategies to begin to address hurdles. These recommendations include learning from past MDB investments that have touched on climate migration, funding data collection or sharing to strengthen understanding of climate migration trends, and developing partnerships to support policy and project development, financing, and implementation.
Sleeping sickness is a neglected tropical disease affecting rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. The reduction in the number of reported cases in recent years indicates that disease transmission is under control. However, many aspects of patient management still need to be improved. Undiagnosed ...patients or inappropriate treatment due to an incorrect determination of the disease stage could in fact lead to its re-emergence. There is thus a strong need for new diagnostic and staging tools to keep the disease under control and to improve the clinical care of patients. This review describes the most promising biomarkers proposed so far for the diagnosis and stage determination of patients suffering from sleeping sickness, with a particular emphasis on their translation into diagnostic tools for field applications.
This technical report presents the epidemiology of human and animal leishmaniases in the EU and its neighbouring countries and concludes that the disease remains widespread and underreported in many countries of southern Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East and that there is a need to improv...e leishmaniasis prevention and control based on robust surveillance in humans, animals, and vectors, and to increase public awareness following a one health approach.
1 billion people are at risk of infection with leishmaniasis, a neglected disease strongly linked to poverty. There’s no single, simple cure: current treatments are complex and need to be adapted to the form of the disease and geographical region.
Background and aims: Current coverage of mental health care in low- and middle-income countries is limited, not only in terms of access to services but also in terms of financial protection of persons in need of care and treatment. This is especially pertinent considering the established relationshi...p between mental illness and poverty and the need to ensure the financial risk protection of persons with mental disorders and their families as part of country's efforts to attain universal health coverage. This study set out to review the health and socio-economic contexts of Nigeria as well as to generate strategies for sustainable mental health financing that will be feasible, within the specific context of the country.
The International Conference on Population and Development in 1994 set targets for donor funding to support family planning programmes, and recent initiatives such as FP2020 have renewed focus on the need for adequate funding to rights-based family planning. Disbursements supporting family planning ...disaggregated by donor, recipient country and year are not available for recent years. We estimate international donor funding for family planning in 2003–13, the period covering the introduction of reproductive health targets to the Millennium Development Goals and up to the beginning of FP2020, and compare funding to unmet need for family planning in recipient countries. We used the dataset of donor disbursements to support reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health developed by the Countdown to 2015 based on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Creditor Reporting System.
Prior research has considered donor funding for developing world health by recipient and donor country but not by disease. Examining funding by disease is critical since diseases may be in competition with one another for priority and donors may be making allocation decisions in ways that do not cor...respond to developing world need. In this study I calculate donor funding for 20 historically high-burden communicable diseases for the years 1996 to 2003 and examine factors that may explain variance in priority levels among diseases. I consider funding for developing world health from 42 major donors, classifying grants according to the communicable disease targeted. Data show that funding does not correspond closely with burden. Acute respiratory infections comprise more than a quarter of the burden among these diseases but receive less than 3% of direct aid. Malaria also stands out as a high-burden neglected disease.
According to the latest available data, over half of the world’s population lack access to essential health services, and health worker shortages are estimated to reach 10 million by 2030. These contextual factors point to an urgent need to explore innovative strategies – that go beyond a conven...tional health-sector response – for reaching people with the health services they need.
Africa is experiencing an increasing burden of cardiac arrhythmias. Unfortunately, the expanding need for appropriate care remains largely unmet because of inadequate funding, shortage of essential medical expertise, and the high cost of diagnostic equipment and treatment modalities. Thus, patients ...receive suboptimal care. A total of 5 of 34 countries (15%) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) lack a single trained cardiologist to provide basic cardiac care. One-third of the SSA countries do not have a single pacemaker center, and more than one-half do not have a coronary catheterization laboratory. Only South Africa and several North African countries provide complete services for cardiac arrhythmias, leaving more than hundreds of millions of people in SSA without access to arrhythmia care considered standard in other parts of the world. Key strategies to improve arrhythmia care in Africa include greater government health care funding, increased emphasis on personnel training through fellowship programs, and greater focus on preventive care.
The term NCDs refers to a group of conditions that are not mainly caused by an acute infection, result in long-term health consequences and often create a need for long-term treatment and care. These conditions include cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic lung illnesses.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the single most common cause of death globally. However, with falling CHD mortality rates, an increasingnumber of people live with CHD and may need support to manage their symptoms and improve prognosis. Cardiac rehabilitation is acomplex multifaceted intervention whi...ch aims to improve the health outcomes of people with CHD. Cardiac rehabilitation consists of threecore modalities: education, exercise training and psychological support. This is an update of a Cochrane systematic review previouslypublished in 2011, which aims to investigate the specific impact of the educational component of cardiac rehabilitation.
The document outlines strategies for reducing salt intake to combat high blood pressure, strokes, and heart disease in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. It highlights the need for progressive reductions in salt consumption, particularly in staple foods like bread, while promoting public awareness, e...ngaging stakeholders, and setting regulatory standards to achieve sustainable health benefits.
People living with disabilities (PLWDs) have poor access to health services compared to people without disabilities. As a result, PLWDs do not benefit from some of the services provided at health facilities; therefore, new methods need to be developed to deliver these services where PLWDs reside. Th...is case study reports a household-based screening programme targeting PLWDs in a rural district in Malawi. Between March and November 2016, a household-based and integrated screening programme was conducted by community health workers, HIV testing counsellors and a clinic clerk. The programme provided integrated home-based screening for HIV, tuberculosis, hypertension and malnutrition for PLWDs. The programme was designed and implemented for a population of 37 000 people. A total of 449 PLWDs, with a median age of 26 years and about half of them women, were screened. Among the 404 PLWDs eligible for HIV testing, 399 (99%) agreed for HIV testing. Sixty-nine per cent of PLWDs tested for HIV had never previously been tested for HIV. Additionally, 14 patients self-reported to be HIV-positive and all but one were verified to be active in HIV care. A total of 192 of all eligible PLWDs above 18 years old were screened for hypertension, with 9% (n = 17) referred for further follow-up at the nearest facility. In addition, 274 and 371 PLWDs were screened for malnutrition and tuberculosis, respectively, with 6% (n = 18) of PLWDs referred for malnutrition, and 2% (n = 10) of PLWDs referred for tuberculosis testing. We successfully implemented an integrated home-based screening programme in rural Malawi.
Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death globally. India is home to the second-largest population suffering from diabetes. This underscores the need to build capacity of primary care physicians (PCPs) for better disease management. This narrative review article aims to describe the emergence o...f diabetes education and capacity-building programs for PCPs and its current situation in India. The review highlighted that major emphasis on diabetes was given only when the WHO estimated that morbidity and mortality due to diabetes would increase to 35% in India. As a result, National Diabetes Control Program was launched in 1987. Yet, very little attention was paid to diabetology in under-graduation. In the last decade, few public and private institutions have developed diabetes related capacity-building programs for PCPs independently or in collaborations. These programs include 16 fellowships, 4 diplomas, 12 certificate programs, and 6 other diabetes training programs, which have their own pros and cons. As medical science is changing rapidly, PCPs need to upgrade their skills and knowledge regularly to manage NCDs such as diabetes more effectively and efficiently. This can be possible only if scientific, evidence-based, and quality-oriented capacity-building programs are provided to the healthcare workforce.
Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the number one cause of death and disability in the world. The term NCDs refers to a group of conditions that are not mainly caused by an acute infection, result in long-term health consequences and often create a need for long-term treatment and care. The...se conditions include cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic lung illnesses.
Many NCDs can be prevented by reducing common risk factors such as tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, physical inactivity and eating unhealthy diets. Many other important conditions are also considered NCDs, including injuries and mental health disorders.
Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the number one cause of death and disability in the world.
The term NCDs refers to a group of conditions that are not mainly caused by an acute infection, result in long-term health consequences and often create a need for long-term treatment and care. ...These conditions include cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic lung illnesses.
Many NCDs can be prevented by reducing common risk factors such as tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, physical inactivity and eating unhealthy diets. Many other important conditions are also considered NCDs, including injuries and mental health disorders.
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) or Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the 1st cause of death and disability worldwide.
The term NCDs refers to a group of conditions that are not mainly caused by an acute infection, result in long-term health consequences and often create a need for long-...term treatment and care. These five main NCDs are cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic lung illnesses and Mental health conditions.
Many NCDs can be prevented by reducing common risk factors such as tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, physical inactivity and eating unhealthy diets. Many other important conditions are also considered NCDs, including injuries and mental health disorders.