Adolescence, defined as the period between 10 and 19 years of age, is a developmental stage during which many psychosocial and mental health challenges emerge. There is a well-established link between mental health and HIV outcomes. Adolescents and young adults living with HIV typically have additio...nal mental health needs linked to their experiences of living with and managing a chronic illness, along with prevailing stigma and discrimination. Mental health promotion and prevention is thus a critical priority for this group.
May 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 5 | e63476
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Communicable Disease Control Branch
Communicable Disease Management Protocol – Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), February 2010
India | The ‘Standard Operating Procedures for Care, Protection and Rehabilitation of Children in Street Situations’, is a unique endeavour to streamline the processes and interventions regarding Children in Street Situations, based on the prevailing legal and policy framework.
Recently, a renewed interest in large-scale community health worker (CHW) programs has been seen globally. This renewal provides an opportune moment to take stock of issues and challenges such programs face and what can be done to make them as effective as possible. With this in mind, this manual is... intended to be used a practical guide for policymakers and program
managers wishing to develop or strengthen a CHW program, drawing lessons from other countries that have implemented CHW programs at-scale. Throughout, we discuss major policy and programmatic issues that decision-makers and planners need to consider when designing, implementing, scaling up or strengthening a national-level CHW program. We offer an overview
of specific challenges CHW programs face, country lessons, tools, and other resources that may be helpful, while incorporating relevant programmatic examples as much as possible.
DHS Working Papers No. 127
This report presents an overview of the transition process in Azerbaijan, some sustainability aspects and challenges stemming from donor withdrawal from TB-related activities, along with recommendations on how to overcome transition-related difficulties and ensure sustainability.
Research Article
PLOS Medicine | July 31, 2018 / 1-19
Injection practices worldwide and especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) include multiple, avoidable unsafe practices that ultimately lead to the large-scale transmission of bloodborne viruses among patients, health care providers and the community at large.