There is an expanding market of no- and low-alcohol beverages (NoLos). However, their effects on global ethanol consumption and public health are still questioned. Policies and regulations about NoLos’ availability, acceptability and affordability are lacking and evidence about their benefits is l...imited. Concerns have been raised about the impact of NoLos in reducing alcohol consumption and its associated harm and the possible drawbacks and implications, such as misleading minors, pregnant women, abstainers or those seeking to stop drinking about their actual ethanol content. Further, there are concerns about the implications of NoLo branded products being displayed close to the brand’s main alcoholic beverages and their potential to subtly lead to new occasions of drinking. There is a need to monitor their consumption and impact on aggregated alcohol consumption to understand the public health implications of NoLos. The alcohol by volume content of NoLos must be defined, harmonised and clearly labelled. NoLo marketing needs to be regulated to protect children, pregnant women and those seeking to stop drinking. Fiscal and pricing policies to reduce the affordability of products with higher strengths of ethanol may favour a shift towards lower alcohol strength beverages.
En la Región de las Américas, las poblaciones están envejeciendo y se está experimentando una rápida transición demográfica. El índice de envejecimiento, que refleja el tamaño de los grupos de mayor edad por 100 en comparación con los menores de 15 años, demuestra claramente el aumento de... las personas de 60 años o más. En comparación con las tendencias mundiales, la Región tendrá un mayor número de personas de 60 años o más que de menores de 15 años para el 2030, aproximadamente 25 años antes que el promedio mundial. La pandemia de COVID-19 ha dado pie a una crisis de salud sin precedentes en todo el mundo. Sus efectos en las personas mayores y aquellas con enfermedades subyacentes han puesto de manifiesto los desafíos de abordar sus necesidades durante una emergencia de salud pública. Dada esta transición demográfica, es fundamental reflexionar acerca de la preparación de los sistemas y servicios con vistas a atender las necesidades de este grupo de población, incluidas la mejora de la planificación para casos de emergencia y la protección de las personas mayores.
Esta publicación forma parte de una serie titulada La Década del Envejecimiento Saludable en las Américas: situación y desafíos
Throughout the Americas, populations are aging and the Region is undergoing a rapid demographic transition. The aging index, which reflects the size of the older age groups per 100 compared to children under age 15, clearly demonstrates the increase in people aged 60 and older. Compared to global tr...ends, the Region of the Americas will have a larger number of people aged 60 and older than children under 15 by 2030, which is approximately 25 years before the global average. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an unparalleled health crisis around the world. The impact on older persons and those with underlying health conditions has highlighted the challenges of addressing the needs of older populations during a public health emergency. Given this demographic transition it is essential to think about preparedness of systems and services to address this population’s needs, including an increase in emergency planning and protection of older populations.
The chapter Closing the Gap: The Health Disparities of Older LGBTI People in the Americas, is part of the publication series titled ‘Decade of Healthy Aging: situation and challenges’. In order to outline the current knowledge available on the situation of health and well-being of older persons the Americas at the beginning of the United Nations Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030), this document presents data and existing evidence different forms of discrimination and mistreatment older people face due to their sexual orientation and gender identities that ultimately increase health disparities. Previous studies on LGBTI older people offer valuable information on the lived experiences of these communities and demonstrate that they face unique challenges with aging, emphasizing the difficulties related to access to care. Very few studies on older people and aging include a focus on sexual orientation or gender identity; however, it is possible to point out that HIV/AIDS is one of the most significant health disparities confronting LGBTI older persons, followed by physical and mental health problems, substance use, social isolation, poverty, and the lack of access to quality healthcare, including long-term care facilities or other institutions. Closing the gap in access and quality of health and care services is an imperative to increase longevity, health status and quality of life of LGBTI older people.
The chapter Closing the Gap: The Health Disparities of Older LGBTI People in the Americas, is part of the publication series titled ‘Decade of Healthy Aging: situation and challenges’. In order to outline the current knowledge available on the situation of health and well-being of older persons the Americas at the beginning of the United Nations Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030), this document presents data and existing evidence different forms of discrimination and mistreatment older people face due to their sexual orientation and gender identities that ultimately increase health disparities. Previous studies on LGBTI older people offer valuable information on the lived experiences of these communities and demonstrate that they face unique challenges with aging, emphasizing the difficulties related to access to care. Very few studies on older people and aging include a focus on sexual orientation or gender identity; however, it is possible to point out that HIV/AIDS is one of the most significant health disparities confronting LGBTI older persons, followed by physical and mental health problems, substance use, social isolation, poverty, and the lack of access to quality healthcare, including long-term care facilities or other institutions. Closing the gap in access and quality of health and care services is an imperative to increase longevity, health status and quality of life of LGBTI older people.
The chapter Fostering Health Systems’ Monitoring to Better Serve Older Populations is part of the publication series entitled Decade of Healthy Aging: Situation and Challenges. The publications are designed to favor the prioritization of effective actions at the local level as well as the of data and public health policies, and providing evidence-based information. Along with the objective of presenting the available updated knowledge about the situation of health and aging at the beginning of the Decade of Healthy Aging in the Americas, this publication gives information about health systems’ monitoring to better serve the needs of older adults and emphasizes the need for societies and health systems to better adapt to an aging population. It introduces the 360-tool as a guide to adapt health systems through monitoring tracers/indicators and highlighting the data and information that is readily available, disaggregated by age. This information can aid in decision-making and resource allocation to support older adults’ needs. Concerning the 360-tool development, a consensus has been reached on seven tracer indicators with high relevance to informing policy, and case studies in selected countries have assessed the feasibility of this approach. The list of indicators and the process related to the development of the tool are presented in this publication. The Decade of Healthy Aging 2021-2030 is a period to guide action towards the transformation of societies by fostering the inclusion of older people in every decision. This publication intends to contribute to this strategy and highlight the upcoming challenges and opportunities on healthy aging.
Promover el seguimiento de los sistemas de salud para prestar mejores servicios a la población de personas mayores forma parte de la serie titulada La Década del envejecimiento saludable en las Américas: situación y desafíos. El propósito de la serie es favorecer la priorización de medidas ef...icaces a nivel local, así como el seguimiento de los datos y las políticas de salud pública, mediante la presentación de información basada en la evidencia. Con el objetivo de presentar el conocimiento actualizado disponible sobre la situación de la salud y el envejecimiento en el inicio de la Década del Envejecimiento Saludable en la Región de las Américas, en este trabajo se brinda información sobre el seguimiento de los sistemas de salud para satisfacer mejor las necesidades de las personas mayores, de manera de subrayar la necesidad de que las sociedades y los sistemas de salud se adapten mejor al envejecimiento poblacional. Además se presenta la herramienta sobre la visión de 360° como una guía para adaptar los sistemas de salud mediante el seguimiento de los indicadores indirectos y destacar los datos y la información que están fácilmente disponibles, desglosados por edad. Esta información puede ayudar en la toma de decisiones y la asignación de recursos para brindar apoyo a las necesidades de las personas mayores. Hasta ahora, se ha llegado a un consenso sobre siete indicadores indirectos con gran pertinencia para fundamentar las políticas y en los estudios de casos en algunos países seleccionados se ha evaluado la viabilidad de este enfoque. En este documento, se presentan la lista de indicadores y el proceso relacionado con la elaboración de la herramienta. La Década del Envejecimiento Saludable 2021-2030 es un período designado para guiar las actividades de transformación de las sociedades con respecto al envejecimiento poblacional y fomentar la inclusión de las personas mayores en cada decisión. El propósito de este documento es contribuir a esta estrategia y poner de relieve los próximos desafíos y oportunidades en relación con el envejecimiento saludable.
This report presents the results of the official United Nations estimates and projections of urban and rural populations for 233 countries and areas of the world and for close to 1,900 urban settlements with 300,000 inhabitants or more in 2018, as published in World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 ...Revision. The data in this revision are consistent with the total populations estimated and projected according to the medium variant of the 2017 Revision of the United Nations global population estimates and projections, published in World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision. This revision updates and supersedes previous estimates and projections published by the United Nations.
Health is essential in order to be able to lead a fulfilled and happy life. Health is not only a fundamental human right and one of the most valuable possessions any individual can have, it is also an essential prerequisite for social, economic and political development and stability. Health can onl...y be ensured and improved throughout the world through joint global action.
This report presents a framework to link science, policy and practice for a comprehensive assessment of climate mitigation and adaptation investments and their impact on human health.The framework proposes to use weather and climate data to forecast health impacts over time, as well as biophysical a...nd economic models to quantify the outcomes of investments in climate change adaptation and mitigation for relevant sectoral indicators and health co-benefits. It provides guidance on the economic valuation of health co-benefits of climate action, for inclusion in sector-specific cost–benefit analysis (CBA), including the spatial allocation of such costs and benefits.
The framework developed and presented in this study is comprehensive, and provides various entry points for different audiences, including decision-makers in the public and private sectors, researchers and scientists, working in the health sector as well as in other thematic areas and related sectors affected by climate action.
This document outlines PAHO’s regional priorities for the year 2023 to sustain and scale up health emergency and humanitarian assistance in the Americas, with a focus on five priority countries currently facing a prolonged humanitarian crisis and recovering from recent acute emergencies: Colombia,... El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). These goals align with and build on the World Health Organization’s Global Health Emergency Appeal for 2023, its principles, priorities, and strategies.