Accessed online January 2018
This checklist will help child psychosocial support and Child Friendly Space supervisors adhere to quality standards during program implementation. This checklist was developed by consultant Nicole Bohl, based on her previous work with Plan International and Save the Children. It has been adapted input from CRS EMECA Core Team members.
These guidelines will assist the ICMR institutions/ centers/ Hqrs. by providing information on the policies, principles and approaches which should be followed in carrying out procurement of goods and services at their respective institute/ center/ Hqrs.
Tabellarische Übersicht über Aufenthaltstitel und den Zugang zu SGB II und Arbeitsmarkt.
Der Gesundheitsratgeber hilft Personen, insbesondere Migrantinnen und Migranten sich im komplexen schweizerischen Gesundheitswesen zurechtzufinden. Der neue Gesundheitswegweiser bietet umfassende und leicht verständliche Informationen rund um das Thema Gesundheit in der Schweiz.
Der Wegweiser ist folgenden Sprachen erhältlich: Deutsch,
Französisch, Albanisch, Arabisch, Farsi, Englisch, Spanisch,
Portugiesisch, Russisch, Kroatisch/Serbisch/Bosnisch,
Tamilisch, Thai, Tigrinya, Türkisch, Urdu, Vietnamesisch, Italienisch, Somalisch. Weitere Sprachversionen unter:überarbeitete-auflage/
Where must I go if I feel unwell or have had an accident? Is medical treatment free in Switzerland or must I pay for it? What should I do in an emergency? What types of insurance do I need? How can I protect myself from illness? Where can I find health information in my own language? The Health Guid...e to Switzerland answers these and many other qüstions. Available in 18 languages: Albanian, Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian, Portugüse, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Thai, Tamil, Tigrinya, Vietnamese, Urdu, Farsi, Somali. For other languages check following link:überarbeitete-auflage/
Eine Leitlinie zur Diagnostik und Therapie, einschließlich Chemoprävention und -prophylaxe des Deutschen Zentralkomitees zur Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose e.V. im Auftrag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e.V.
Tuberculosis Guideline for Adults
Guideline for Diagnosis... and Treatment of Tuberculosis including LTBI Testing and Treatment of the German Central Committee (DZK) and the German Respiratory Society (DGP).
2nd edition.
The practical aspects of TB patient care from the onset of symptoms to the completion of treatment are covered in this guide
Октябрь 2017
Рекомендации EACS 9.0
Policy Brief
Consolidated Guidelines
Updated 2016
Estima-se que 17,8 milhões de mulheres em todo o mundo com 18 anos ou mais viviam com o VIH em 2015, o equivalente a 51% dos adultos que viviam com o VIH. As raparigas adolescentes e as mulheres jovens são particularmente afectadas; em 2015 representavam 60 por cento dos indivíduos com idades com...preendidas entre os 15-24 anos que viviam com o VIH, e 58 por cento das infecções por VIH recentemente adquiridas entre a população jovem deste grupo etário. Em muitos países, as mulheres que vivem com o VIH não têm acesso equitativo a serviços de saúde de boa qualidade e enfrentam muitas formas de estigma e discriminação entrecruzadas. Além disso, estas mulheres são desproporcionadamente vulneráveis à violência, incluindo as violações dos seus direitos sexuais e reprodutivos.
Once identified as vulnerable, applicants enjoy specific rights and safeguards in the asylum process under EU law. Vulnerability should therefore trigger additional or tailored support to ensure that people have the necessary conditions to bring forward a claim for protection.