Policy Brief
HIV testing services
December 2016
The Guide to operationalize HIV viral load testing HIV presents 60 lessons learnt from the project in a systemic approach including: viral load strategy, laboratories, procurement and supply management, patient care and economy.
“Continuum of HIV services refers to a comprehensive package of HIV prevention, diagnostic, treatment, care and support services provided for people at risk of HIV infection or living with HIV and their families”
August, 2018
Globalization and Health201612:63; DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0195-3
Program Report for Collaborative Agreement: DFD-A-00-08-00309-00 September 30, 2008 -December 31, 2015
This WHO information note provides an updated list of recommended criteria for selecting RDTs for malaria, and highlights the performance of RDTs evaluated by the WHO malaria RDT product testing programme. It also provides an overview of additional considerations in the procurement of rapid tests.
This Joint Emergency Management Plan of the International Organizations (Joint Plan) describes the
interagency framework of preparedness for and response to an actual, potential or perceived nuclear or
radiological emergency independent of whether it arises from an acci...dent, natural disaster, negligence, nuclear
security event or any other cause.
The aim of this publication is to provide practical guidance for public information officers on the preparation for and response to a nuclear or radiological emergency, and to fulfil in part functions assigned to the IAEA in the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a... Nuclear
Accident or Radiological Emergency (Assistance Convention), as well as meeting requirements stated in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, Fundamental Safety Principles, and in IAEA Safety Standards No. GS-R-2, Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency.
Also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish: https://www-pub.iaea.org/books/IAEABooks/8889/Communication-with-the-Public-in-a-Nuclear-or-Radiological-Emergency
Disabled children: a legal handbook is an authoritative yet accessible guide to the legal rights of disabled children and their families in England and Wales. The handbook aims to empower disabled children and their families through a greater understanding of their rights and entitlements. It is es...sential reading for the families of disabled children, their advocates and lawyers, voluntary and statutory sector advisers, commissioners, managers and lawyers working for public authorities, education, social and health care professionals, students and academics.
Each chapter has been adapted into a PDF for you to download for free
An estimated 253 million people live with vision impairment: 36 million are blind and 217 million have moderate to severe vision impairment. 81% of people who are blind or have moderate or severe vision impairment are aged 50 years and above
The Education 2030 Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action specifies that the mandate of the Global Education Monitoring Report is to be ‘the mechanism for monitoring and reporting on SDG 4 and on education in the other SDGs’ with the responsibility to ‘report on the implementation of nat...ional and international strategies to help hold all relevant partners to account for their commitments as part of the overall SDG follow-up and review.’ It is prepared by an independent team hosted by UNESCO.
Basic Expectations for Safe Care
(Health Systems in Transition, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2014)