6a edición clínica. Nuevo: 4. Vacunas (26 de abril); Nuevo: 5. Pruebas y procedimientos de diagnóstico (7 de abril); Nuevo: 7. COVID-19 persistente (7 de abril)
Tips and guidelines for the care of pregnant women and newborns in the context of the pandemic. ( version 16 June 2021)
manual de aplicación de la OMS
Emergencias 2021: 33: 42-58
Resumen ejecutivo guía de práctica clínica manejo de la infección por Sars-CoV 2
Este documento apresenta um marco conceitual renovado das funções essenciais de saúde pública (FESP) para a Região das Américas, com o qual se pretende dar maior clareza conceitual e operacionalidade ao novo campo de atuação da saúde pública e preencher uma lacuna nas propostas conceituais... sobre o fortalecimento dos sistemas de saúde. O marco proposto apresenta um novo paradigma para a saúde pública, baseado em quatro pilares orientados para a ação: a necessidade de incorporar a abordagem dos direitos humanos às políticas públicas de saúde; a necessidade de a saúde pública ampliar seu enfoque para ter uma abordagem mais ampla dos determinantes sociais da saúde; o papel da saúde pública para garantir de forma integral e integrada o acesso a intervenções de base populacional e atenção individual de qualidade; e a necessidade de as autoridades de saúde atuarem em colaboração com outros setores e com a sociedade civil no desempenho das funções de saúde pública.
En el último decenio, los datos de las secuencias genéticas de los patógenos han adquirido un papel crucial en la detección y el manejo de los brotes de enfermedades infecciosas, contribuyendo al desarrollo de pruebas diagnósticas, medicamentos y vacunas y orientando la respuesta sanitaria.
Policy Brief.
Our understanding of how to diagnose and manage Long COVID is still evolving but the condition can be very debilitating. It is associated with a range of overlapping symptoms including generalized chest and muscle pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, and cognitive dysfunction, and the ...mechanisms involved affect multiple system and include persisting inflammation, thrombosis, and autoimmunity. It can affect anyone, but women and health care workers seem to be at greater risk.
La Región de las Américas constituye un territorio extremadamente rico desde el punto de vista de la diversidad cultural, en la cual se presentan una variedad de desafíos relacionados con el reconocimiento y el respeto de los derechos humanos de los miembros de los pueblos indígenas, los afrodes...cendientes, los romaníes, así como de otros grupos étnicos. A lo largo del curso de la vida, estas personas experimentan discriminación estructural y poca representatividad e inclusión en los procesos de toma de decisiones, lo cual dificulta su acceso a los servicios de salud, afecta la calidad de la atención que reciben y tiene un efecto general en sus condiciones de vida. Por tanto, la protección y la promoción de su salud y seguridad socioeconómica es una cuestión no solo de política pública, sino también de protección y ejercicio de los derechos humanos. En esta publicación se presentan los instrumentos internacionales y regionales de derechos humanos y los sistemas de protección de esos derechos instaurados por las Naciones Unidas y el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, así como medidas para hacerlos efectivos, con especial hincapié en el derecho a la salud, al medio ambiente sano y otros derechos relacionados con el cuidado del planeta.
This publication presents the Agenda for the Americas on Health, Environment, and Climate Change 2021–2030 (the Agenda). The Agenda is a call to action to the health sector to lead the charge to address environmental determinants of health in the Americas. The Pan American Health Organization (PAH...O) will work with Member States to achieve its goal and objective to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages using a sustainable and equitable approach that places a priority on reducing health inequity. The Agenda has been developed under the umbrella of the WHO Global Strategy on Health, Environment, and Climate Change, and builds upon the commitments set forth in the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018–2030 and the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020–2025. The Agenda was developed in consultation with the Technical Advisory Group and through a consensus-driven decision-making process with Member States during the 2019–2020 period. Looking toward the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3, the Agenda focuses on: improving the performance of environmental public health programs and institutions; fostering environmentally resilient and sustainable health systems; and promoting environmentally healthy and resilient cities and communities. Its implementation will be context-specific, based on the needs and realities of the countries. It will benefit countries and territories by promoting good governance practices, strengthening the leadership and coordination roles of the health sector, fostering cross-sectoral action, focusing on primary prevention, and enhancing evidence and communication. It will facilitate access to human, technical, and financial resources necessary to address environmental determinants of health and ensure that the Region is fully engaged in global health, environment, and climate change processes and agreements. The objective of the Agenda is to strengthen the capacity of health actors in the health and non-health sectors to address and adapt to environmental determinants of health (EDHs), prioritizing populations living in conditions of vulnerability, in order to meet Outcome 18 of the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020–2025 directly and several other outcomes of the Plan indirectly. To address and adapt to the challenges of EDHs in the Region, an integrated and evidence-informed approach within the health sector and across sectors will be needed, one enabled, and supported by good governance practices, adequate management mechanisms, high-level political will, and adequate human, technical, technological, and financial resources.