Scientific advice
Prevention and control of communicable diseases in prison settings.
Joining efforts to control two trelated global epidemics.
Pathak et al. (2016), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.1738; 1-14
Towards a world free of tuberculosis
This guide has been written to provide information and practical advice on developing and delivering local plans an strategies to commission the most effective and efficient older people’s mental health services.Based upon clinical best practice guidance and drawing upon the range of available evi...dence, it describes what should be expected of an older people’s mental health service in terms of effectiveness, outcomes and value for money.
MSF International AIDS Working Group
Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2016, 2(1): 00018, January 29, 2016
South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, EEJPH 2016, posted: 11 January 2016. DOI 10.4119/UNIBI/SEEJPH-2016-85