Expert Consensus Validation 2018.
This innovative approach aimed at improving and facilitating the screening, prescribing and monitoring of drug therapy for older patients, is currently being further developed in the area of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Heidelberg in Mannheim. This ap...proach represents another advance in worldwide research efforts aimed at adding a new dimension to already-existing classification systems and negative listings of potentially inappropriate medications for the elderly.
Best Practices Guidelines
Accessed: 06.11.2019
Тщательно взвесив все за и против, мы предлагаем в начальной главе первого учебника по детской и подростковой психиатрии IACAPAP сосредоточить внимание на взаимоотно...шениях между этой областью знаний и этикой. Несмотря на то, что эта, посвященная этике, глава обращена главным образом к практикующим врачам, большинство приве-
денных здесь этических проблем обсуждены применительно также и к другим профессионалам, работающим в психиатрии и принимающим участие в процессе лечения детей и подростков (например, психологам, социальным работникам, среднему медицинскому персоналу, терапевтам).
Dérivant du grec τραῦμα signifiant « blessure », le mot « traumatisme »
a été utilisé durant des siècles comme un terme médical désignant « une blessure
des tissus vivants causée par un agent externe.» Ainsi, ce n’est qu’en 1889, lorsque
Oppenheim fit la première descrip...tion clinique des « névroses traumatiques »
chez des victimes d’accidents de chemin de fer, que le terme pris également une
acceptation psychologique.
Stigma toward individuals with mental disorders has been studied extensively. In the case of
Latin America and the Caribbean, the past decade has been marked by a significant increase in
information on stigma toward mental illness, but these findings have yet to be applied to mental health service...s in Latin America. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of studies relating to stigma toward mental illness in Latin America and the Caribbean. The authors specifically considered differences in this region as compared with manifestations reported in Western European countries
In recent years Terre des Hommes Netherlands observed the steady rise of a new form of child sexual exploitation. One that is enabled and fuelled by rapid technological advances, increasing global connectivity, persisting poverty rates, and growing disparity in the global distribution of resources. ...Terre des Hommes Netherlands received alarming signals from collaborating project partners from the Philippines that new commercial child exploitation trades are evolving and spreading parallel to rising global Internet access rates and developments in communications technology.
Webcam child sex tourism is evidently growing, closely related to child prostitution, child trafficking and child abuse. What is not clear however, are the psychological and social consequences of this new phenomenon. To date, no research has been done on the psychosocial consequences of webcam sex for children. The aim of this research is therefore to gain more knowledge on the psychosocial consequences of webcam child sex tourism for children and to give insight into the antecedent factors that play a role.
A Practical Guide for Mental Health Service Providers
Mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks
Guiding Principles and Recommendations
SIGN 143. A national clinical guideline
Published May 2015, Revised 2018
Common presentations of other significant mental health complaints include: depressed mood, irritability, anxiety, stress, extreme tiredness, unexplained physical complaints. Other significant mental health complaints are frequently seen in non-specialized health settings, but are often treated inap...propriately, with excess investigations and inappropriate medications.
OTH supporting material: Role plays, LIVES intervention, Case scenarios, Alternative relaxation exercises, Multiple choice questions, Video link
Psiquiatría y pediatría - Capítulo I.3
El progreso en la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/SIDA en los últimos veinte años ha sido notable. Una enfermedad que inicialmente dio lugar a una rápida mortalidad se ha convertido en una enfermedad crónica. Tanto es así que un adolescente diagno...sticado con VIH puede esperar vivir 60 años o más, y será más propenso a sucumbir a las enfermedades del envejecimiento, como la enfermedad cardíaca, que a la infección por el VIH.
Learning objectives
• Understand the mental health treatment gap in low-, middle- and high-income countries.
• Understand the principles and aims of the Mental Health Gap Action Programme.
• Acquire an introduction to mhGAP Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG).
• Learn about mhGAP ToH...P training methodology and what to expect from mhGAP ToHP
• Prepare group training ground rules.
• Know the common presentations of mental, neurological and substance abuse (MNS)
Key messages include Effective communication skills should be used for everyone seeking health care,
including people with MNS conditions and their carers; Effective communication skills enable health-care providers to build rapport and trust with people as well as enabling health-care providers to... understand the health and social needs of people with MNS conditions; Health-care providers have a responsibility to promote the rights and dignity of
people with MNS conditions and more
Learning objectives
• Name the general principles of essential care and practice.
• Name management principles of priority MNS conditions.
• Use effective communication skills in interactions with people with MNS conditions.
• Perform assessments for priority MNS conditions.
... Assess and manage physical health in MNS conditions.
• Know the impact of violence and gender-based violence on mental health.
• Provide psychosocial interventions to a person with a priority MNS condition and their
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate in priority MNS
conditions considering special populations.
• Plan and perform follow-up for MNS conditions.
• Refer to specialists and links with outside agencies for MNS conditions as appropriate and
• Promote respect and dignity for people with priority MNS conditions.
Making the Case for Alcohol as a Public Health Threat in the Region. The purpose of this document is to explain the need for making alcohol a top public health priority in the region and the need for national and regional action. Current evidence-based research shows that alcohol consumption and dri...nking patterns in the Americas are at damaging levels, with the region surpassing global averages for many alcohol related problems.