This toolkit aims to provide you with a brief introduction of what SA and its core principles are, and how you as a student can apply several of the existing tools for your own school to really make a difference.
French, Spanish and Arabic Version available:
A quick assessment sheet, which would allow to know the Social Accountability score of your medical school or medical students’ association. This assessment tool is part of the IFMSA/THEnet Students’ Toolkit on Social Accountability in Medical Schools. Find the full toolkit, the explanatory, and a list of tools at
Printable sheets with or without pictograms available in 29 languages on the website:
Languages: Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German,, Kurdish (Kurman), Kurdish (Sorani), Lingala, Polish, Potugüse, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ucrainian, Vietnamese.
Das kostenlose Welcome-App-Projekt stellt Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen alle relevanten Informationen über Deutschland zur Verfügung.
A fact sheet about hepatitis B and its link with liver cancer. It is available in the following languages: English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese on the website:
معلومات ضرورية للأطفال
عن البلهارسيا
Bambo has bilharzia: what children should know about bilharzia. Comic book.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This document was made possible through a financial grant from Merck, Germany. In 2007, Merck entered into a partnership with the World... Health Organization (WHO) to combat schistosomiasis in school children on the African continent. In the medium term, Merck will donate 250 million tablets of Cesol 600 containing the active ingredient praziquantel. Merck will maintain its efforts until the disease has been eliminated in Africa.
O que as crianças devem saber sobre a esquistossomose - Banda desenhada
AGRADECIMENTO: Este documento foi produzido com o apoio financeiro da Merck Alemanha. Em 2007, a Merck estabeleceu uma parceria com a Organização Mundial da Saúde para combater a esquistossomose entre os estudantes no con...tinente africano. Inicialmente, a Merck fará uma doação de 250 milhões de comprimidos de Cesol 600, que contém o princípio ativo praziquantel. A Merck pretende dar continuidade a esse compromisso para que essa enfermidade seja eliminada na África.
REMERCIEMENTS: Ce document a été réalisé grâce au soutien financier de Merck Allemagne. En 2007, Merck a conclu un partenariat avec l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé pour lutter contre la schistosomiase chez les écoliers sur le continent africain. Dans un premier temps, Merck va faire un...e donation de 250 millions de comprimés de Cesol 600 qui contient le principe actif, praziquantel. Merck vise à maintenir cet engagement afin que cette maladie soit éliminée en Afrique.
Ein Überblick über die wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und kulturellen Menschenrechte.