Février 2020
Depuis Décembre 2019, la Chine fait face à une épidémie d’un nouveau coronavirus dénommé COVID-19. Les importations successives de ce virus dans d’autres pays d’Asie, d’Europe, des Etats Unis d’Amérique et d’Afrique justifient la décision du Directeur Général d...e l’OMS de classer cette épidémie comme une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale.
Available translations: Albanian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian
Go to the website: https://www.cö.int/en/web.../cpt/-/covid-19-council-of-europe-anti-torture-committee-issüs-statement-of-principles-relating-to-the-treatment-of-persons-deprived-of-their-liberty-
временное руководство, 13 мая 2020 г.
Целью настоящего документа является предоставле- ние временных рекомендаций по биологической без- опасности в лабораторных усл...виях, которые следует соблюдать при исследовании клинических образцов пациентов, подпадающих под определение случаев ин- фицирования новым патогеном, выявленным в Ухане, Китай, то есть коронавирусным заболеванием 2019 г. COVID-19.
This fact sheet developed by CAWST describes the history of soap, how it’s made, and the two processes for making soap. This fact sheet is available in English, Spanish, and French.
This guidance note developed by UNICEF explains how the WASH sector can implement infection prevention and control measures in households and community settings. It focuses on reducing the exposure to the disease in vulnerable community settings and public spaces, and the transmission of the disease... in home and community settings hosting patients and contacts. This brief is available in English, Spanish, and French here.
This document provides guidance on the implementation of the shielding approach in camps and camp-like settings for refugees and internally displaced persons. It is intended for the displaced community itself, humanitarian actors and camp coordination / management authorit...ies.
This document provides guidance on the implementation of the shielding approach in urban areas in LICs and crisis-affected regions. It is intended for the community itself, national and local governance institutions, and humanitarian and development actors operating in the country.
This note provides a few ideas to a challenging problem of reaching survivors who cannot easily access phone-based GBV support. It is very much a living document given the evolving nature of the pandemic and may be adapted as more evidence, insights and lessons become available. It is intended to sp...ark conversation in the hope that additional contributions and innovations from others will result.
This guidance document addresses how physical distancing (referred to in previous guidance documents as ‘social distancing’) can help slow down transmission.
Ce document d'orientation explique comment la distance physique (désignée dans les documents d'orientation précédents sous le nom de «distance sociale») peut aider à ralentir la transmission.
UN human rights experts today called on States to protect the rights of migrants and their families, regardless of their migration status, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
BMJ Global Health2020;5:e002786. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002786
Neither a Turning Point Nor an Overall Determinant
Nine years into the (civil) war, Syria is in an extraordinarily poor position to confront the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of the pandemic leading towards the uniting of local, regional, and international actors involved in Syria around a common purp...ose, con-flict dynamics have hampered an effective response to Covid-19. Yet, the pandemic is unlikely to become a decisive turning point in conflict dynamics or an overall deter-minant of its future trajectory.
The risk of increasing rates of acute malnutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the urgent need to adapt, and expand access to, acute malnutrition diagnosis and treatment services in humanitarian and fragile contexts.
Integritas 4.3 (Fall 2014), pp. 1-30.
doi: 10.6017/integritas.v4i3p1