The DHS report itself explains the purpose was, “to obtain and provide information on basic indicators of social progress including fertility, childhood mortality, reproductive and child health, nutritional status of children, and awareness of HIV/AIDS and other health-related issues” in PNG. is important because a DHS then provides the evidence base for PNG officials themselves to track progress in PNG over time, compare trends with other comparable countries, and then allocate financial and human resources to where they are needed most.
UNHCR is committed to strengthening programming to prevent, mitigate and respond to sexual and genderbased violence (SGBV) in all operations. In 2018, through funding from Safe from the Start, UNHCR launched a mainstreaming project with the specific objective of supporting UNHCR’s institutionalisa...tion of SGBV prevention, risk mitigation and response. For UNHCR, SGBV mainstreaming refers to the integration of prevention, mitigation, and response strategies across all areas of programming. This proactive and ongoing process of mainstreaming is a shared responsibility whereby all colleagues across all sectors and functional levels must consider SGBV risks and take measures to reduce exposure to identified risks throughout all stages of the operations management cycle. By mainstreaming SGBV prevention, risk mitigation, and response throughout the organisation, each sector increases its own capacity to improve protection outcomes and attain sector-specific standards.
This manual outlines proposals for the insertion of housing, land and property restitution rights simultaneously within the context of the ongoing peace process and within broader national legal reform efforts, including work towards a national land law. The paper begins by emphasising that many cou...ntries emerging from both conflict and political reform processes have successfully implemented restitution programmes, and that the current, largely piecemeal, efforts towards restitution in Myanmar under the Central Land Grab Reinvestigation Committee processes are simply inadequate in securing restitution rights for everyone in and from Myanmar with a legitimate restitution claim.
This is the second guidance note in a four-part series of notes related to impact evaluation developed by InterAction with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation.This second guidance note, Linking Monitoring and Evaluation to Impact Evaluation, illustrates the relationship between routine... M&E and impact evaluation – in particular, how both monitoring and evaluation activities can support meaningful and valid impact evaluation. The guidance note is also available in French, Arabic and Spanish on
BMC Public Health, Volume 18, Article number: 303 (2018)
Published: 02 March 2018