“TB is too often a death sentence for people with AIDS.
It does not have to be this way.”
-Nelson Mandela, International conference on HIV /AIDS, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2004
Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB control
Data received as of July 3, 2017 | WHO and UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage - next revision available July 15, 2018
Our analysis included 14 Asian countries that were estimated to have a total of 850,000 choleracases and 25,500 deaths in 2015 While, the WHO cholera report documented around 60,000 cholera casesand 28 deaths. We estimated around $20.2 million (I$74.4 m...illion) in out-of-pocket expenditures, $8.5million (I$30.1 million) in public sector costs, and $12.1 million (I$43.7 million) in lost productivity in2015. Lost productivity due to premature deaths was estimated to be $985.7 million (I$3,638.6 million).Our scenario analyses excluding mortality costs showed that the economic burden ranged from 20.3%($8.3 million) to 139.3% ($57.1 million) in high and low scenarios when compared to the base case sce-nario ($41 million) and was least at 10.1% ($4.1 million) when estimated based on cholera cases reportedto WHO
A systematic review informing a radical transformation of health workforce development
Unofficial Translation
Approved by the Federal Government on October 20, 2016
Guidance Document and supporting Resources
Supplement Article
www.jaids.com J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
MSF provides treatment for HIV and tuberculosis (TB) in more than 20 countries around the world. The report Burden sharing or burden shifting? How the HIV/TB response is being derailed examines the situation in nine countries where MSF runs programmes: Central African Republic, Democratic Republic ...of Congo, Eswatini, Guinea, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar and Zimbabwe. With a focus on the financial resources available, this report highlights the current risks and gaps in HIV and TB service delivery in these countries.
Given the findings of gaps in diagnosis, prevention and care services and dwindling resources, MSF calls for a robust assessment of the needs and the resource capacity of each affected country, and calls on international donors to ensure that the financial burden is shared, rather than shifted onto those countries worst affected by the diseases.
STAATSKOERANT, 5 MEI 2015 No. 38763
General Notice
Notice 295 of 2015
Department of basic education
National education policy act, 1996 (Act No 27 of 1996)
Call for written submissions from stakeholder bodies and members of the public on Departmen...t of basic education draft national policy on HIV, STIs and TB
Usage Guidelines
Junior and Senior Secondary