Final Evaluation
The project objectives were to promote the conservation, sustainable use and cultivation of endangered medicinal plants in Zimbabwe, by demonstrating effective models at the local level, and developing a legal framework for the conservation, sustainable use, and equitable of benefits from medicinal plants at the national level. After one year of implementation, the project rationale, indicators and targets were reviewed in order to make them more rigorous as per the new GEF focus on project impact. New indicators and targets were developed in December 2004. The project is composed of five closely linked output areas that have been allocated to different implementing partners to take a lead in. These include the National Herbarium and Botanical Gardens (Output 1), the University of Zimbabwe School of Pharmacy (Output 2), the Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources (SAFIRE), a regional NGO (Output 2 and 4), and the Attorney General‟s Office (Output 5).
13280–13285 / PNAS / September 9, 2008 / vol. 105 / no. 36
Making education more inclusive requires schools and education authorities to remove the barriers to education experienced by the most excluded children - often the poorest, children with disabilities, children without family care, girls, or children from minority groups. Also included in the text examples of children from very remote areas, girls excluded from school, children from ethnic groups, children with language barriers, and children in countries affected by conflict.
Situation Analaysis and Needs Assessment
Describe el análisis de la información de las enfermedades de notificación obligatoria incluidas en el Sistema de la Red Nacional de Epidemiología, consolidadas en la SE 29 de daños adicionales en la vigilancia epidemiológica hasta la semana. La vigilancia epidemiológica en el país, ha tenid...o contribuciones importantes a la salud pública del país, entre las que se pueden mencionar el COVID-19 actualmente normado por un conjunto de normas técnicas y directivas para la notificación y vigilancia de más de 100 eventos de importancia para la salud pública.
Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Publicaciones Minsa sobre COVID-19
Suivi de la déclaration politique sur le VIH de 2011 – Sénégal 2014
Programme commun des nations unies sur le VIH/SIDA