El documento La carga de los trastornos mentales en la Región de las Américas, 2018 tiene como propósito mejorar la evaluación de las necesidades en materia de salud mental en la Región de las Américas al presentar un panorama actualizado y matizado de: a) la discapacidad debida a los trastorn...os mentales, por consumo de sustancias y trastornos neurológicos específicos, más la autoagresión (TMNS), tanto sola como en combinación con la mortalidad prematura; b) el desequilibrio entre el gasto en salud mental y la carga de enfermedad relacionada; y c) la asignación inadecuada de los exiguos gastos en salud mental por parte de los países de la Región
For the 24th consecutive year, PAHO has published the report Health Situation in the Americas: Core Indicators featuring the latest information on key indicators for the Region of the Americas. This 2018 edition includes data on the 82 core indicators for the countries, territories, and sub regions ...of the Americas, grouped into the following categories: demographic-socioeconomic, health status, risk factors, service coverage, and health systems. Information is also presented on 22 indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This Plan envisions a future with the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem as a result of universal access to sexual health and STI prevention services, HPV vaccines, effective screening and precancer treatment services, treatment of invasive cervical cancer, and palliative care.... It foresees that all women and girls, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, HIV status, or disability will have timely access to quality cervical cancer prevention, care, and treatment so that they can live in good health throughout the life course and enjoy the health-related human rights.
The goal is to accelerate progress toward the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem in the Americas by reducing incidence and mortality rates by one-third by 2030.
A collaborative project of World Health Organization and
Lifting The Burden
Kulkarni et al. The Journal of Headache and Pain (2015) 16:67 DOI 10.1186/s10194-015-0549-x
Le guide
Ratgeber Parkinson – Französisch
Accessed: 11.03.2019
Identificando o risco de acidente vascular cerebral e melhorando desfechos em pacientes com fibrilação atrial na América Latina
DOI: 10.1590/1516-3180.2015.0222110716
Sao Paulo Med J. 2016; 134(6):534-42
This study looks at commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) under the Grand Bargain and provides an overview of good practices on localisation approaches, provides a number of case studies from the regional response and makes recommendations on how to further strengthen leadership an...d participation of national and local actors within the response to the Syria crisis.
Much remains unknown about displaced communities in out-of-camp areas as identification constraints hinder knowledge on the overall situation and preeminent needs of an area. When compared to regularly monitored in-camp populations, less is known about the health, sanitation, livelihoods, food secur...ity, nutritional status, protection situation, and school attainment of out-of-camp populations.
The objective of this guideline is to present the complete set of all WHO recommendations and best practice statements relating to abortion. While legal, regulatory, policy and service-delivery contexts may vary from country to country, the recommendations and best practices described in this docume...nt aim to enable evidence-based decision-making with respect to quality abortion care.
This guideline updates and replaces the recommendations in all previous WHO guidelines on abortion care
This new guideline on non-clinical interventions to reduce unnecessary caesarean sections incorporates the views, fears and beliefs of both women and health professionals about caesarean sections. It also considers the complex dynamics and limitations of health systems and organizations and relation...ships between women, health professionals and organization of health care services.
Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2018;42:e45. https://doi.org/10.26633/RPSP.2018.45
Information für hauptamtliche und freiwillige Mitarbeitende,die mit traumatisierten Geflüchteten zusammentreffen.
Das Ambulatorium für Folter- und Kriegsopfer SRK hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bayerischen Roten Kreuz eine Informationsbroschüre für hauptamtliche oder freiwillige Personen erstel...lt, die mit traumatisierten Geflüchteten zusammentreffen. Der Informationsbedarf zu Trauma und Traumafolgestörungen hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Die neue Broschüre beschreibt in einer verständlichen Sprache die Entstehung von Traumafolgestörungen und gibt Tipps und Hinweise zum Umgang mit traumatisierten Geflüchteten. Sie soll helfen, für die Hintergründe von Traumata und für uns allenfalls unübliche Verhaltensweisen traumatisierter Personen zu verstehen und einzuordnen und unser eigenes Verhalten entsprechend anzupassen.
Die Broschüre ist eine Ergänzung zur 2012 erstmals aufgelegten Broschüre „Wenn das Vergessen nicht gelingt“. Diese richtet sich an Betroffene mit posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTBS oder PTSD) und deren Angehörige.
Brochure d’information destinée aux collaborateurs rémunérés et bénévoles intervenant auprès de réfugiés traumatisés
•Definir la Higiene de manos y las infecciones adquiridas en los hospitales (HAIs).
•Describir el impacto negativo de las HAIs en pacientes dados de alta.
•Discutir cómo la higiene de manos puede prevenir los HAIs.
•Identificar las barreras para el cumplimiento de la higiene d...e las manos.
•Describir los ”5 momentos de la Higiene de Manos”
•Identificar las formas de promover la higiene de manos en el hospital.
•Demostrar las técnicas apropiadas de la higiene de manos.
•Revise la lista de control de higiene de las manos
The design of anaesthesia equipment for use in hospitals in the developing world must take intoaccount the local conditions, particularly whether reliable supplies of compressed oxygen andelectricity are available. Designs should ensure that maintenance is feasible locally. Internationalstandards sh...ould encourage the design of suitable equipment to ensure safe anaesthesia for patientsworldwide
Anaesthesia, 2007,62(Suppl. 1), pages 54–60
PLoS Med 15(7): e1002615. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pmed.1002615