The Facilitator's Guide provides instruction and suggestions for teaching the training modules for the Technical Guidelines for Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in the Africa Region, 2nd edition. This training is intended for district level health officers who conduct IDSR activities. Th...e course is laid out in 7 modules that walk participants through the Technical Guidelines (TGs) chapter by chapter. By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the TGs and capable of utilizing them appropriately in their position
Guide to monitoring and evaluating
Report of the Review Committee on the Functioning of the International Health Regulations (2005) in relation to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009
Advising principles. The purpose of this document is to support competent authorities in charge of IHR implementation to improve national capacities for the prevention, detection and control of events, by strengthening communications and coordination between points of entry and the national health s...urveillance system
Los cambios del contexto en 2018 nos traen varios desafíos y oportunidades para el 2019. Este año tuvimos la posesión del Presidente Duque y un redireccionamiento de las prioridades del Gobierno en la agenda nacional. Asimismo, observamos un incremento sustantivo en los flujos migratorios mixtos ...provenientes de Venezuela, mientras en algunas de las zonas históricamente más afectadas por el conflicto armado se ejercían esfuerzos para la implementación de los Acuerdos de Paz con las FARC-EP. En ese contexto, observamos en algunas regiones del país la continuidad de dinámicas de violencia con afectaciones a la población civil y el subsecuente deterioro de los indicadores humanitarios: el desplazamiento interno, restricciones a la movilidad, amenazas y asesinatos a líderes(as) y defensores(as) de derechos humanos, incidentes MAP/MUSE. Todos ellos alcanzaron niveles que no registrábamos desde hace algunos años. Además, la incertidumbre por los diálogos de paz con el Ejecito de Liberación Nacional aumenta el riesgo de estos desafíos.
This training and guidance module addresses the use of coercive and violent practices in mental health and related services with a particular focus on seclusion and restraint. It aims to promote a greater understanding of why these practices are used and build practical skills to help end these prac...tices. While the module itself focuses on ending these practices in the health care setting, much of the content can also be applied in other settings where seclusion and restraint occur, for example in the home and in the wider community.
Training for Health Care Providers
Facilitators’ Manual
PQDx 0006-005-00 WHO
February/2016, version 2.0
PQDx 0018-010-00 WHO
July/2016, version 3.0
Humanitarian emergencies, regardless of type and cause, have a number of common risk factors for communicable diseases inextricably linked to excess risk of morbidity and mortality which can come from vaccine–preventable diseases (VPDs). The reduction of VPDs is a significant aim of public-health ...interventions during crises.
The WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization carried out a comprehensive review of evidence on vaccination decision-making processes and considerations in humanitarian emergencies.
Four years after the Houthi takeover of the capital Sana’a and the beginning of the Saudi-led military intervention, there is little to suggest that Yemen will find peace in the near future. As of January 2018, the conflict has killed tens of thousands of people and displaced millions, causing wid...espread devastation to the country’s civilian and public infrastructure, including hospitals, airports, roads, houses and factories.
Information Booklet for Parents