DHS Working Papers No. 104.
DHS Working Papers No. 112 | Zimbabwe Working Papers No. 13
Universal eye health: a global action plan 2014–2019 |
Available documents in :Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish | http://www.who.int/blindness/actionplan/en/
Guidance | Preparedness - Response and early recovery - Recovery and reconstruction
The strategic plan reflects shared commitments to enhance collaboration between environmental, animal (wildlife and domestic) and human health, and building new One Health workforce capacity through higher institutions of learning. The strategy also outlines interventions to be undertaken by governm...ent institutions and other partners to enhance existing structures and pool together additional resources to prevent and control zoonotic diseases and other events of public health importance. Successful implementation of the strategy will contribute to the realization of vision 2020 by improving public health, food safety and security, and hence significantly improve the socioeconomic status of the people of Rwanda. It is in this regard that we call upon implementing institutions, bilateral and multilateral partners, civil society and the private sector to join us in implementing the One Health strategy in Rwanda.
From 2000 to 2010, Rwanda implemented comprehensive health sector reforms to strengthen the public health system, with the aim of reducing maternal and newborn deaths in line with Millennium Development Goal 5, among many other improvements in national health. Based on a systematic review of the lit...erature, national policy documents and three Demographic & Health Surveys (2000, 2005 and 2010), this paper describes the reforms and the policies they were based on, and provides data on the extent of Rwanda’s progress in expanding the coverage of four key women’s health services. Progress took place in 2000–2005 and became more rapid after 2006, mostly in rural areas, when the national facility-based childbirth policy, performance-based financing, and community-based health insurance were scaled up. Between 2006 and 2010, the following increases in coverage took place as compared to 2000–2005, particularly in rural areas, where most poor women live: births with skilled attendance (77% increase vs. 26%), institutional delivery (146% increase vs. 8%), and contraceptive prevalence (351% increase vs. 150%). The primary factors in these improvements were increases in the health workforce and their skills, performance-based financing, community-based health insurance, and better leadership and governance. Further research is needed to determine the impact of these changes on health outcomes in women and children.
Health Systems for Outcomes Publication | Using qualitative data from Rwanda, this study focuses on four institutional factors that affect health worker performance and career choice: incentives, monitoring arrangements, professional norms and health workers’ intrinsic motivation. It also provides... illustrations of three institutional innovations that work, at least in the context of Rwanda: performance pay, the establishment of community health workers and increased attention to the training of health workers.
This article describes experiences in implementing a community mental health and development project in a rural district in southern India, including the position of persons with mental illness when the project was initiated, the challenges faced and the strategies that were developed to overcome th...ese challenges. The authors conclude that when services are locally available, persons with mental illness can be treated and rehabilitated within their own community. They can live with dignity and their rights are respected. There is a great need for inclusion of persons with mental illness in the existing developmental activities and in disabled persons’ organisations.
Gurejeet al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:242
DOI 10.1186/s12913-015-0911-3
PLOS Medicine | www.plosmedicine.org
January 2013 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | e1001371
1. MYTH: Sexual violence is just another stressor in populations exposed to extreme stress: there is no need to do anything special to address sexual violence | 2. MYTH: The most important consequence of sexual violence is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) | 3. MYTH. Concepts of mental disorders ...– such as depression and PTSD – and treatment for mental health problems have no relevance outside western cultures | 4. MYTH: All sexual violence survivors need help for mental health problems | 5. MYTH: Mental health and psychosocial supports should specifically target sexual violence survivors | 6. MYTH: Vertical (stand-alone) specialized services are a priority to meet the needs of sexual violence survivors | 7. MYTH: The most important support is specialized mental health care | 8. Only psychologists and psychiatrists can deliver services for sexual violence survivors | 9. MYTH: Any intervention is better than nothing | 10. MYTH: Only the victim/survivor suffers as a result of sexual violence
Areas for action include: increasing prioritisation and awareness of dementia; reducing the risk of dementia; diagnosis, treatment and care; support for dementia carers; strengthening information systems for dementia; and research and innovation.