IDS Practice Paper in Brief 16 Vol 15 February 2015
A series of information sheets to help empower communities and strengthen health systems
This series of information sheets introduces health literacy, its
relevance to public policy, and the ways it can be used to inform
the promotion of good health, the prevention and management
of communicab...le and noncommunicable diseases, and the
reduction of health inequities. It provides information and links
to further resources to assist organizations and governments
to incorporate health literacy responses into practice, service
delivery systems, and policy.
- Regional analysis of acute food insecurity: Current situation (February-March 2015)
Assessing the impact of the EVD outbreak on health systems in Sierra Leone. Survey concluded 6-17 October 2014
Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data
Q 1: Are antidepressants (Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA) and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI)) better (more
effective than/as safe as) than treatment as usual (placebo) in adults with depressive episode/disorder?
Q 2: How long should treatment with antidepressants continue in adults with depressive episode/disorder?
Q 3: Is brief, structured psychological treatment in non-specialist health care settings better (more effective than/as safe as) than treatment as usual in people with depressive episode/disorder?
Examining the needs of at‐risk youth in the Middle East and North Africa: A multi‐method landscape analysis and systematic literature review