Rapport de mission : 25–29 septembre, 2017
Preparación y respuesta a la emergencia del COVID-19
This curricula guide builds on several existing products of WHO and partners, aimed at supporting countries in their effort to address the first objective of the GAP-AMR (to improve awareness and understanding of AMR). It is targeted specifically at health educators and policy planners, and applies ...a systematic modular and submodular collection of learning objectives and outcomes that are organized according to the key occupational groups involved in the use of antimicrobials in human health. It is hoped that educators, faculties of heath personnel training institutions, health regulatory institutions and other users will find it a useful resource in meeting their respective needs for strengthening health workers’ contributions to containing AMR.
COVID‑19 strategic preparedness and response
L’analyse des besoins humanitaires en Haïti a révélé que plus de 4,4 millions d’Haïtiens et d’Haïtiennes, soit environ 40% de la population, auront besoin d’une assistance humanitaire en 2021.
En diciembre de 2019 se identificaron los primeros casos del nuevo coronavirus -COVID-19 a nivel global en Wuhan, China. El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud -OMS declaró al COVID-19 como pandemia mundial. Si bien la enfermedad se extendió lentamente a los países de Améri...ca Latina y el Caribe -ALC al principio, desde finales del mes de febrero el número de casos confirmados ha aumentado exponencialmente, acercándonos a 2,0 millones de casos confirmados y 124.667 muertos (al 19 de mayo de 2020).
This document summarizes preparedness and response activities to address the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in South Sudan through the end of 2020. The addendum includes the activities and financial requirements of the updated National COVID-19 Response Plan. Originally issued in March prio...r to identification of the first person confirmed with COVID-19 in South Sudan and with a focus on preparedness, the updated plan encompasses a significantly scaled-up national response.
El informe se encamina a documentar si los gobiernos:
• tienen planes de acción, políticas y leyes nacionales en consonancia con aquellos cuya eficacia se ha comprobado en el contexto de INSPIRE;
• están contando los incidentes violentos mortales y no mortales con exactitud;
• han establ...ecido valores de partida y valores a alcanzar que les permitan monitorear su progreso hacia la erradicación de la violencia contra los niños;
Child friendly spaces (CFS) are safe spaces where
communities create nurturing environments in which
children can access free and structured play and
learning activities. CFS, also commonly referred to
as Child Centred Spaces or Safe Spaces for Children,
may provide educational and psychosocial... support
and other activities that restore a sense of normality
and continuity for children whose lives have been
disrupted by war, natural disaster or other emergency
Histoplasmosis is a disease caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. This disease is highly endemic in some regions of North America, Central America, and South America and is also reported in certain countries of Asia and Africa. It often affects people with impaired immunity, including people ...living with HIV, among whom the most frequent clinical presentation is disseminated histoplasmosis. The symptoms of disseminated histoplasmosis are non-specific and may be indistinguishable from those of other infectious diseases, especially disseminated tuberculosis (TB), thus complicating diagnosis and treatment. Histoplasmosis is one of the most frequent opportunistic infections caused by fungal pathogens among people living with HIV in the Americas and may be responsible for 5–15% of AIDS-related deaths every year in this Region. These guidelines aim to provide recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disseminated histoplasmosis in persons living with HIV
In 2021, the humanitarian community continued to support those in need, placing protection at the centre of its response. Learning from and building on past efforts, humanitarian actors will continue to respond and adapt their response to the various shocks impacting populations in Cameroon, such as... violence against civilians, natural disasters, and epidemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
One important application of digital health in TB patient care is the support that it can lend to medication adherence. TB programmes have already been using short message service (SMS), video-supported treatment (VOT) and event monitoring device for medication support ...(EMM)1 to help patients complete treatment and health-care workers to monitor both daily dosing and treatment continuity
Une application importante de la santé numérique dans les soins aux patients atteints de tuberculose est le soutien qu'elle peut apporter à l'observance du traitement. Les programmes de lutte contre la tuberculose utilisent déjà le service de messages courts (SMS), le traitement assisté par v...idéo (VOT) et le dispositif de surveillance des événements pour le soutien des médicaments (EMM)1 pour aider les patients à terminer leur traitement et les travailleurs de la santé à surveiller à la fois la posologie quotidienne et la continuité du traitement
This document briefly describes the macroeconomic performance before the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which is mainly characterized by severe economic depression, economic and financial sanctions by the Trump administration, and tight fiscal space that constrains to undertake additional mea...sures. It estimates three economic scenarios based on different oil price assumptions for 2020. The negative effects of the quarantine on the economy are estimated using the two biggest shocks faced by Venezuela in its recent history. It emphasizes the relevance of foreign currency and external financing to mitigate the pandemic’s impact. Finally, this paper discusses the economic measures taken by the government.
Centre de traitement des infections respiratoires aiguës sévères : manuel pratique pour la mise en place et la gestion d’un centre de traitement des IRAS et d’une unité de dépistage des IRAS dans les établissements de soins
Este plan está basado en las demandas y necesidades del Gobierno de Colombia al Sistema de las Naciones Unidas (SNU), bajo el liderazgo de la Oficina de la Coordinadora Residente, para complementar los esfuerzos nacionales de la respuesta a la COVID-19. Asimismo, se encuentra alineado con los princ...ipios establecidos en el Marco de Cooperación de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Sostenible UNSDCF 2020-2023.
Le présent Plan du SNU en RDC d’appui à la réponse socioéconomique au COVID-19 est adossé au Programme Multisectoriel d’Urgence d’Atténuation des effets de la COVID-19 en RDC, formulé par le Gouvernement, avec le soutien des partenaires au développement. Il est également aligné au Pl...an Cadre des Nations Unies de Coopération au Développement Durable (UNSDCF) et adossé aux cinq piliers du Programme cadre des NU pour la réponse socioéconomique immédiate au COVID-19, développé par UNDG, qui fait référence au rapport du SG des NU intitulé « Solidarité mondiale, responsabilité partagée : impacts socioéconomiques de la COVID-19 ».